General Regulations for NHRA car and driver preperations

Very good resource to have, next to paying for a license and getting the newest revision of the official hand book.

Scroll to the very bottom and see the Quick Reference chart. Its based on ET’s and what requirements are needed for each. If you didn’t already figure it out, when there isn’t a check mark but there is a #:## in its place, that’s what section you need to scroll up to find for more information.

Stay safe, follow the rules and have fun. See you on the track. :number1

OG no roll cage member #1 checking itt

Fuck you.

Buy me dinner first?

/\ boys… I am mod nazi in here… keep it in the bedroom, K?

Dont worry mike you need a car to run at the track before you need to worry about any of this… Lol sorry had to

Mr. Jim. That is a very good point. I will get back to you in 2-3 weeks on that one. :slight_smile: