I meant to say treadmill.
Look at the first and 3rd pic. The chrome on the front is not in both. Also the underside there are inlets on both side of the boat in the first pic but not in the 3rd.
I call BS.
So you’re saying they dropped 2 similar boats in the same exact harbor?
Look at the background of the 1st and 2nd picture.
- Same funny looking tower on the right (more to the right in pic 2)
- Same cement sea wall with black specs, probably tires. Spacing is the same on the black specs.
- Same building with the black door on the left. More to the left on pic 1, but again, pic one is zoomed out farther.
The underside does look a little different between pic 1 and pic 3, but then again, the props and driveshafts were just ripped out by the rear strap. It wouldn’t surprise me if what ever hydraulics that kept that door closed in pic 1 was damaged by pic 3.
You can’t see much background in pic 3, but that cement with black dots seawall is there.
all def the same harbor… building references line up. Though, to match the small bit of building in the third is tough, it references a building off in the distance of pic 1.
Odds that they dropped two very similar boats in that spot? Near to that size? With that paint scheme? Slim.
You can barely see what MIGHT be the railing sticking up in pic 3.
Meh… w/e
No “meh w/e”. Pick a side bitch. I’m stuck here at work until 9 because it’s quarter end and everyone is afraid the eVault secure file upload system I designed and built is going to fail, and I want to kill the time eArguing with someone. :lol:
PS… eVault online, running perfect, accepting FTPS backups from our customers like a champ.
lol… sorry Jay, I was off the clock @ 6. Was just passing through to check a PM.
Seriously though, meh w/e: people arguing it being faked… fake or real, its a waste of a beautiful lil ship.
Need something to do till 9? http://www.lurssen.com/flash.html :whackit:
I’m off to break in my new Forza2 wheel… since the wife is still hungover.
chromeplate in front : in the 3rd pic your not seeing the white paint in this area, the area is “overexposed” in the 3rd pic, covering up whats actualy a window i do beleive
pic one: see the great strips 1/3 of the way down the white section? same stripes in pic 3
pic one: oval ports in the front of the black,also in pic 3
windows in the side of the boat in pic 3, overexposed in pic one and therefore not visable
pic one: see the lil tan 'tabs" along thee peakof the v bottom ? also seen in pic one
the missing front railing in pic 3, look at pic one, theres a plate steel anchor on the front of the boat
add in the way the boat went into the water, and youll see that the anchor most likely ripped free andtook the railing with it …im sure the railing is at the bottom of the harbor now …or peeled back and hanging underwater