Get ready for mandatory backup cameras.

i’d bet this whole fiasco is because women can’t drive.

This is why it’s important to slam your car to the ground so little kids are pushed out of the way instead of run over. Safety first is what I say

There are still times I physically look. Like at night in dark lots. Even with LED reverse lights, it’s poorly lit back there.

But for the most part, I use my camera.

It definitely depends on the driver.

Says the guy that got high centered on my 220V extension cord at the shop lastnight!


Curb feelers FTW.

I am bringing them back, fuck these cameras.

your civic cant do this!


You and I probably get the least amount of work done at work, dont we! LOLLLLL


Very true, mirrors have been standard equipment for a long time, doesn’t mean people use them.

My TL has a backup cam. The only thing I use it for is to get as close as possible in a parking spot. Other than that, I ALWAYS look

And the crying weep of mail box companies has been heard throughout the galaxy.