Get used to high gas prices.

Vlad, how do you figure? #1 a nice bike can be had for like $2k if you look… I bought an 01 cbr900 for $2,100 last summer… So scratch the money spent on bike outweighs the savings… #2 Full coverage was $420 and liability which I chose to stick with on a $2k bike that im only driving 6 months out the year was $300 a YEAR. #3 while changing your chain every 10k might be smart ive never changed a chain in my entire life and got by just fine, but regaurdless, whats a chain? $35? #4 were getting a bike to save money, so were keeping it stock… #5 did you really just add medical bills as an expense? lol… you can fall down and hurt yourself walking to the bus stop too…