Get used to high gas prices.

What the hell kind of rear tire did you buy for $67…on a bike one thing I wouldnt cheap out on is a tire thats for sure!

I don’t get why America can’t lower the national average of gasoline since we are now EXPORTING it and not importing it. Give people a little break. Bring it back down to $3 and I’ll be more than happy.

I’ve calculated that I only need to spend $15/month @ $4/gal on gas if I ride to work every workday on my R6.

I spend about $6k annually on fuel. That’s ridiculous.

Get a bike.

No jet kit on an 06 fuel injected bike. $3100 is also too cheap for any normal 06.

It’s your money knock yourself out. Not like I’m bringing logic, numbers and experience to this argument. Clearly talking out my ass.

Amen. About 120 for rear every 6k miles and another 120 or so for the front every 10k miles. Don’t forget chain ever 10-15k. 150$ other mods you will put on the bike as well. New gear as old wears out. Medical bills if you get hurt. Etc. Flawless money saving plan.

Loveforboost your numbers are off across the board. Full coverage on a new bike as a new rider is at least $600 closer to $1000 a year on a sport bike. You get around 40 mpg and you use super for gas.

Have fun saving money on that. You probably won’t even save enough to cover insurance, forget tires and price of bike.

Ill save enough without a doubt. Got an insurance quote today for full coverage on an 09 nightster 1200 also tonight. $33 per month through allstate. Would perfer this bike over any other actually, wont be trying to act like a faggot on it. Bike itself is 4900$ used with 6200 miles. Hoping i can pick it up. Grab a jacket and before summer get my license.

These fucking idiots will say anything to justify robbing us blind with gas prices. Any time some A-rab farts or coughs they jack the prices.

I just filled up this morning for $90.72 and got 13.99 mpg.

Some people might be lucky if they get 1,000 every 6 months for insurance. A couple places quoted me some crazy numbers for my 08 cbr when I bought it new…

Just looked it up, nice looking bike. Cruisers are definitely more cost efficient than sport bikes and you will be much more likely to put more miles on a year (IE savings) on one.

Listen or not I suggest MSF course and good gloves too. Msf will give you license, point reduction if you haven’t had defense driving in a while and insurance discount most of the time.

Long term I’m sure eventually gas savings will catch up but I hope you agree that $4900 cost of bike alone will take some time to recoup.

On the other hand fuckit, you get to ride and a new toy, which is priceless.

Gas prices are high because Obama wants you to buy a Prius.

I will check the courses out for sure. I understand that the $4900 will take a while will take a while to take a bit to catch up with for sure. I just need something that i can hopefully stay right around the amount of money my work gives me for expenses each month witch is about 330$-350$ a month. If i can cover payment ($140 roughly) insurance for 33$ and the rest in fuel costs, ill be happy to come even close to that which i believe i can. Id rather rack up miles on a bike when i can also instead of the audi or charger. Charger being last result as my mother and i share the audi but she has a broken leg and waiting lawsuit settlement so she cant drive at all. Anyway, Ill be happy to stay even or close to the amount a month i allow myself with it. The bikes at a small dealer outside of daytona that is going out of business, Im hoping because its kind of a back woods spot that not to many people know about itll make it past bike week and i will low ball the shit out of the guy and hopefully he’ll bite. Bring it to my dads in daytona and pick it up when i can.

Just did some basic math with a coworker who also rides, if the original vehicle gets 15 mpg at 4$ a gallon it takes roughly 5 years putting on 7500 miles a year on a $4k bike.

Better than I expected actually.

This formula goes out of the window for me as I mod my bikes like crazy and can’t stop buying more of them :rofl

and its election year so the politicians need somebody to finance their campaign of lying, cheating and stealing

With your logic gas will go down after the election :gtfo

it probably will.

Im hoping it’ll be paid off by the end of summer. If all goes well ill be getting some money as well from the lawsuit my mothers in for taking care of her i guess, so they say. Would like to be able to pay the debt i have in credit cards, Pay the charger off and pay for the last little bit of school instead of slowly pay the loans off. Or depending on what it is just be stupid and buy a new gt500 lol.

so what if i get 22 and drive 25000 a year?

Vlad, how do you figure? #1 a nice bike can be had for like $2k if you look… I bought an 01 cbr900 for $2,100 last summer… So scratch the money spent on bike outweighs the savings… #2 Full coverage was $420 and liability which I chose to stick with on a $2k bike that im only driving 6 months out the year was $300 a YEAR. #3 while changing your chain every 10k might be smart ive never changed a chain in my entire life and got by just fine, but regaurdless, whats a chain? $35? #4 were getting a bike to save money, so were keeping it stock… #5 did you really just add medical bills as an expense? lol… you can fall down and hurt yourself walking to the bus stop too…

thats an old relic of a bike. you can buy 06-07 GSXR 600s in the 35-4500 range, have EFI, more efficient all around, and probably as quick.

full coverage on a 10 year old bike is retarded.

sloppy chain with worn/stretch links = disaster waiting to happen