Getting a check engine light on the S..

Jumped the SCS wire and the check engine light flashed 9 times…

I searched and searched online to find a chart for the s2k to tell me what 9 long flashes means but had no luck…

However… I did find a few other charts pertaining to other OBDII hondas… I’m not sure if they are the same or not…

from an accord:
“No 1 Cylinder Position”

and a prelude
“Cylinder Position Sensor”

Any ideas on what the problem could be? aside from just the sensor going…

why not just go get the code scanned

Because its 1:25 AM…

Its def the Cylinder position sensor… I found a list on a UK s2k site like 2 secs ago…

what could the cause be? any ideas?

Arent there any SK forums?

sounds like crank sensor. there located on the on the timing cover side down off the oil pump under the timing cover. i would check and make sure the wore is not frayed or shorted. thats probably gunna be a little difficult to replace. Did you try to reset the ecu???

Just be carefull as to which local shops you take it to to get fixed. You dont want the bolts to “vibrate” loose on you and shred 2/3 of your timing belt. J/K. It is a pain in the ass to replace that sensor tho.

Just be carefull as to which local shops you take it to to get fixed. You dont want the bolts to “vibrate” loose after going around a corner and shred 2/3 of your timing belt. Make sure if you are the one to replace it, to USE LOCTITE on ALL the bolts. On my H22. the CKP and TDC sensor are wired together. New from honda it was like $260. I picked up a used one from H-T for $75 and it worked great.

timing chain…


i didnt think they put check engine lights on hondas any more, realizing they would never go off…because it’s a honda, and we all know hondas never break…?


:tup: good helpful post.

end yourself.

r u a idiot incase ur not aware tits mcgee ur car doesnt run right

When The check engine light flashes on an OBD II car it means that it’s is a catylast damaging code and needs to be addressed immediately. The failed part is probably causing a misfire or the car to run too rich.

no… on the s2k, as well as other OBDII hondas you can check for the code manually… with a piece of wire, a paperclip, a diode, something that is conductive and will fit in the pin holes of the OBDII plug… you jump 2 wires together (the SCS wires) and the light on the dash flashes a number of times, first slow, then fast… you count how many times slow (say 4) and then how many times fast (say 6) and you have a ‘code’ you can look up online (46)…

youre talking about when you are driving the car… and the light starts flashing… I’m not… the car is parked, with the ign on… just like it would be if you had a OBDII reader…

I went to double check at a local store… aparently I looked at the wrong chart because it wasnt the right code… I told the guy the story, and what I thought the code was, and that the honda service manual says to first delete the code and see if it comes back right away, and then steps to test the sensor w/ a meter… he said they cant (by nys law) delete any OBDII codes w/ their reader… but he was a super cool dude and let me borrow it for a few min to ‘check’ it myself…

upon checking it I didnt get the same code… this time I got:
"P1456 - Manufacturer controlled auxiliary emission controls’
or on s2ki:
‘p1456 - evap. system leak detected (fuel tank)’

which has a service bulletin if anyone can check it out, #010402 if anyone has access to honda computers or works there or whateva…

some guys on s2ki have had faulty gas caps that leaked no matter how tight they were… :shrug: I always do like 6-8 clicks… it says like 3 on the cap itself…

edit: I ended up erasing it, hasnt popped back on just yet so it was probably just some stupid glitch…

and sorry about using wrong forum… I saw the description of this folder and it seemed more for people that need emergency help… :shrug: