Getting Close

It’s all downhill from here boys. BIG Thanks goes out to my guys who’ve been with me getting this pos together…

guess what he is about to say!

jnj tranny shifts like butta!

this car below fucking hauls the mail! a couple have already felt its wrath

look what i got to play with last friday!!

sorry, my resizing shit NEVER works properly

See that NOS I see Bill… bad bill haha

this should get you in trouble this summer… only way to go :wink:

that cleaned my carr off friday, thanks!

Niiiice :tup:

I can’t wait to hear the gigantic screaming snail!!!

please tell me you got a picture of my car next to the firetruck!!! thats freakin awesome. We should have lifted chuck up in the air, then it would have been even better.

i have more than one pic with the firetruck :wink:

it was hard to fit them both though. these pictures don’t do the size any sort of justice

nice, thanks bill

engine bay looks fantastic :tup:

^^ you got that right

good work homie! now come do mine!

wtf wiring job…?

looks sick bill :tup:

good to see it comming along Bill

im sure that got cleaned up considering that theres wire cutters and someone is even holding a wire.

looks good though, :tup: now lets see the rest of the car.

Does this mean your gonna take your time and put it together the right way the first time :stuck_out_tongue: I kid I kid, sorta :stuck_out_tongue:

im assuming you’re talking about pats? ya that was halfway through the install. it’s actually pretty damned clean as of now

:eyebrow: mmk

thanks for the compliments guys. to be honest im just sick of working on it

looks good. Love the Blue…so hott.