Getting rid of old water heater where

Just installed a new 50gal water heater yesterday and I gotta ditch my old 38 gal. I hear you can bring them some where and they will give ya a little cash for it.

Plus if I put it to the curb the town will see it and probably ask to see my permit…yeaaaaaa its uuuum let me find it real quick:snky:

You need a permit to leave an old water heater by the side of the road?

I have an old clunker in my basement I need to haul out soon too.

I don’t think you need a permit for a water heater replacement, but whatever.

Any recycle yard will take it for scrap weight. I’m pretty sure the one on Broadway takes old apliances like that.

while on the disposal topic… how do I get rid of some empty paint cans. these can’t just go in the garbage?

Tops off, and dried out. I leave mine in the sun, or you can use kitty litter.

then just throw away?

You definitely need a permit in the town of Amherst to replace it because they want to make sure you’re up to code. My boss just did his with the help of a plumber friend and the guy said to wait to bring it out to the curb until just before the garbage truck got there for just that reason.

yup… I leave mine out outside the bin though. Probably makes no difference… They just get bitchy when they can’t see in them

some towns you dont ned a permit to install, therefore you can curb it

so if i scrap it and they go by weight…think they will know if its full of water :snky:

Anyone know of the place on broadway or the phone #

ill take it



In West Seneca, dudes with POS pickup trucks drive around, and grab any metal objects from the curb within five minutes. I had some ancient boiler tanks in my basement, they grabbed them in five minutes.


lol someone took my parents grill and some other random metal shit they threw out in less than an hour in a pos truck.
lots of people like that in lancaster.
especially on big garbage day at the end of the month.

Use it to make a waste oil burner.

Search on craigslist for scrap pickup. I found someone to come and get both of the old hot water tanks when I replaced them in my duplex. They even hauled them out of the basement for me, which was great because one of the tanks wouldn’t drain and had about 30 gallons of water in it.

ooooh that would suck^

This. Especially if it is Electric. I am looking to do this for my garage, and if you were closer i’d take it, but not going 3 hrs for an old water heater.

I just replaced mine a few weeks ago and I left it at the curb. Gone within 3 days in Amherst.