Hot Water Tank Recommendations

Looks like I may need to a new hot water tank. I have a friend who can do the install for me.

Looking for brand and size recommendations.

I have 2 full baths in a two story house.

Go to the depot. One of their plumping dudes can guide you in the right direction. Many of them come with warranties. I just installed a new one a couple months back. It was one of the easiest things I have ever done. Definitely don’t pay a lot to get it done. DIY or your friend doing it on the cheap is the way to go.

If you need an electric tank, I have one in my garage that is maybe a yr or 2 old… I never used it. I took it out while it worked, my friend went to “on demand” and I removed it from his house. I’ll let it go cheap.

Unless you’ve got a bunch of kids 40 gallons is the size you want.

There are ups and downs to going tankless. For me it wasn’t worth it, but I did go with a power vent (electric blower blows the exhaust out) so that I could do away with the last appliance using my chimney. There is also direct vent which requires a couple hundred bucks of special vent piping but doesn’t have a blower or use the chimney, or traditional that goes up your chimney. Or electric.

QFT…tankless can be nice…i just did a quick sizing for you on my program at work cause thats what i do for a living…40 gal storage with 36 gal of recovery per hour would be fine for you

so anythig around that criteria would be fine… typical residential ish…i agree with a power vent…

Lochinvar are baller that you cant find at Home Depot…but you can at WMS Sales in Clarence…but really just goto the Depot and Lowes

as far as venting…meh use whatever is there…power and direct power vent are nice…they typically use PVC pipe but if u already have somethign there stick with it its fine

The problem with tankless is you have to buy a pretty powerful one because of our really cold winter water and you’re stuck using low flow fixtures. I took the water restrictor out of my shower head so it flows way more than that stupid 2.5 gpm that all US shower heads are limited to and it’s an infinitely better shower. No way a tankless could keep up with the flow though, especially during the winter when our incoming water is so cold.

You’re in Amherst right? Be very careful disposing if your old tank. Amherst requires a building permit to replace a hot water tank. Most DIYers will do this job without getting one but Amherst is known for watching the curb on trash day and if they spot an old hot water tank expect a call from the code officer. I found this out when my friend had a plumber buddy help him do his. His plumber buddy ended up taking the tank for scrap so it wouldn’t end up at the curb. Another option is keeping it in the garage until just before the garbage truck comes, or dropping it at a friends house in Tonawanda where they don’t have the retarded permit requirement for a simple tank replacement.

Don’t believe me on the permit?
Can’t find this year’s fees because that site is a clusterfuck.

When I swapped mine I put an ad on craigslist that there was a hot water tank at my curb waiting to be scrapped “come get it” on a Saturday. It was gone within an hour. Risky if Amherst is that gay, but it could work.

Scrappers took mine in like 30 minutes over here in Kenmore. I dragged it outside, went back inside for a beer, came back out and the shit was gone!

Do they just take them to the scrap yard as is?

Or do you need to rip them apart to the the metal out first?

I was going to use mine for veggie oil… lol

When it comes time to replace mine in Amherst I’m going to try a CL ad, “Free: broken hot water heater” and see if someone will come get it.

Thanks for the replies I will take a gander at HD and Lowes for a 40 gallon I am going to do the traditional exhaust through chimney since my boiler which was replaced in a 2006 still uses it and my one fireplace uses it.

I will be weary of putting it to the curb if my friend doesn’t want it for scrap I will put a CL ad up for it.


You should definitely reuse your existing ventilation (chimney i believe). Remember the joys of running cabling I had at your place and your wonderful basement??? Yeah, that may be a problem to re-route a vent pipe if need be!