Getting sick of this warmth...

Don’t get me wrong, I love the sunshine,a nd warm weather has its place no doubt, but shit… There isn’t going to be any local riding for like, 2-3 weeks.

No cold until late next week, and that’s just a forecast. Same time last week they said it would be cold and snowing this weekend.

I just want to ride for real. Urban on ice rink snow doesn’t count anymore.


I’ve been up in Aurora, MN for 2 weeks… its been cold as hell up here…lows in 10’s but no snow…except on the track.

Trust me I feel your pain. I cannot wait till snow.

bring on the snow.-

I’m all for snow, but not for 30s-40s cloudy and piss rain, which is probably what it would be doing otherwise this time of year. I’ll take this over rain any day.

Although I havent skied in the last 6 years because of my knee, I only remember one or two times in my 13 years of skiing that I was out before thanksgiving.

Holiday Valley almost ALWAYS opens on the day or weeked after thanksgiving.

However, 15-20 degrees above average daytime high temps are pretty ridic.

It’s frustrating when you spend so much money on a ski pass, and then the weather doesn’t cooperate at all.

yea i think you are the only selected few that are not happy about this, i hope winter is like this all year, and we hardly see any snow.

Answer me this, if you hate the warm, and don’t want to see any snow, then why do people like you live in the north?

past years snowboarding has been delayed til at least xmas time, if not all the way til early january. as long as it stops raining and we keep this sun up, im happy. snow or sun, no more f-ing rain

probably was born here, and has no choice. moving away from family is probably a concern

^ Family, growing up here…

I still stand by my statement the only people that hate winter and hate snow are the ones that do nothing with it. Get out there and try new shit. hell, you’ll likely enjoy it, and god forbid, look forward to winter. There’s very few people who go skiing and snowboarding and have learned what they need to do properly from someone, who don’t enjoy it.

Or you can just be one of those miserable, “I hate everything” people. Fact is, you live in the northeast. it gets cold. it snows. Make the best out of it.


i didnt choose buffalo, i lived in hornell, and dont like the rain during winter seasons but i stick around and deal cuz of family and gf, but you can bet your ass when im financially secure im moving some place nicer :slight_smile: even if its only va.

(ok i did choose to move to buffalo but job offers were alot better in va, but family and gf is local to here so y not)

bring on the snow. i’ll be in hawaii from january till may bitches.

snow sucks :slight_smile:

lol i leave the 29th for hawaii I CAN’T WAIT!

I can’t wait either. :meh:

i hate snow but i need it to go riding also. ughhhhhhhhhhh snooooooooooow nowwwww i want to take out my friends mach z and ride my new piece

I miss snow boarding… and snowmobiling… i think i’m gonna try snowboarding again this year… hopefully my back can take it