What is your take on this no snow

Curious to see what everyone thinks about the temperatures we have been having and the lack of snow.

I find that the ones that do nothing in the snow are the ones happy as hell and could not care any less about having it.

The people that ski/snowboard/snowmobile…Pissed!

What do you do when it snows? Are you happy we have not had any?

I learned long ago that Buffalo is not the place to be if you’re a real ski/board/snowmobile enthusiast. When I moved out here all I ever heard was snow snow snow…so much of it! All bullshit. Bought a sled, barely got a chance to ride it. Took my board and skis to the few local spots (Holliday/KB)…more times than not the conditions blew.

That all being said…I miss the snow and wished Buffalo held up to it’s reputation.

Fuck the snow, and the cold. 3 seasons are plenty…

Idk, I HATE winter. But if it’s going to be 40’s and rain I’d rather it be 30’s and snow, at least snow allows you to do stuff outside and looks a hell of a lot better than muddy grass.

I’m ready to punch babies. Fine, if it doesn’t want to snow here for a bit I could handle it if the other parts of the state that usually get pounded were at least getting snow. Even Tug Hill is nothing but green grass and mud right now. I wouldn’t mind trailering the sleds up there on the weekend for some fun.

I just bought a new snowblower and I am dying to use it. I hate 40’s and rain and I would much rather have it be 20’s and snow. It is good though since I am selling me than ever this time of year since there is no snow around.

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

The guys at work have been watching the cams at tug hill and they are all angry. Last week when we got a little snow, they got more and there were people riding up there.

x2 I hate cold rainy days. I would much rather see it snow. I, however, love winter. I’m definitely ready for the snow to start flying, couldn’t hurt to have a snow day or two either :smiley:

Hey, it’s the same way here in Utah right now… We haven’t gotten a good storm in a month. The resorts that are open are running mostly on man-made snow. They’ve gotten a few 2"-4" days in the last week, but that’s it since before Thanksgiving. And the forecast for the next 10 days doesn’t look any better.

It’s fucking gay.

Want to go skiing and snowmobiling.


You guys are nuts.

I was always one of those pussy douchebags who would hibernate all winter bitching about the snow and how bored I was. Last year I decided to do something about it, bought a sled, so of course this winter is going down as way above normal temps and below normal snowfall.

All of you wanting snow can blame me. Sorry.

If you’re pissed it hasn’t snowed yet and you don’t ski, snowboard or snowmobile, but you just love winter - you’re an idiot.

I’ll be cursing you when the snow does get here and I have to shovel my car out.


See, I dont care for it to keep snowing. Hell give us a few good days of snow. Couple feet over a week or so. Then no snow for a little and stay cold enough so it doesnt melt away.

You then have snow on the hills, no one bitching about having to shovel it. and people can ski, snowboard, pond hockey, and snowmobile.

Shit, sorry buddy… forgot that one too.

Stop whining and go smoke a cig and chill out.

You just described winter in Minnesota. However, outdoor ice rinks with boards/nets/lights/warming house>pond all day long!

I was outside of the bar last night. It was raining but upper 30’s at night and no snow is a Buffalo winter I can deal with. I don’t mind a little snow maybe around Christmas through January but I hated the extended winters we have here that go from October to early April.

I like the four distinct seasons. However, I definitely dislike the often unproportinal length of winter.

That being said, I could go for a little snow right now.

Id rather not have winter. I could deal with 40s and rain as a winter.
Fuck. It’s 50 today.

Just wait… we will end up getting alot of snow this year because the lake hasnt had a chance to freeze at all. LAKE EFFECT!!!