Giambra administration still fighting the control board.


The state has given us a control board to help our county. Yet rather accept the help and work with it to improve a financially struggling city, the Giambra administration is fighting it every step of the way. Why? They have lost twice in court yet are still planning on spending time and tax dollars fighting something that’s here to help us.

Maybe I’m missing something or have just been suckered by media spin, but why hasn’t a lynch mob shown up on their doorstep? Is it really in our best interest to have our county government waste time and money fighting tooth and nail against something that is going to help us?

Somebody clue me in.

Thats politics for you.

i cant believe no nyspeeders went to law school.

there has to be a way for us to sue them for something.

at least we would have a more active role in the wasting of the taxpayer resources.

The more I read about NY politics the luckier I feel that nothing I have in my arsenal right now has a good scope. :shoot:

I’m with you. I don’t understand why people aren’t more outraged. Instead they’ll watch some spin put out by CSEA and think that the control board is the problem.

NY politicians aren’t the problem… it’s NY voters.

how is giambra still in office