This is what you get when you put a businessman in office.

In the meantime, bickering over who should borrow $87-million on behalf of the county for capital projects continues without resolve.

A stalemate exists because Erie County can’t borrow money without the approval of the Control Board, and the Control Board can’t borrow on behalf of the county unless requested to do so by Collins who refuses to put in such a request.

The Control Board maintains it can borrow much more cheaply than the Erie County can because it has a better bond rating.

Collins doesn’t dispute that, but insists if he allows that to happen the Control Board will legally have to exist for the life term of any bonds issued, perhaps up to 30 years.

“They might be able to save up to $40,000 a year by doing the borrowing, but this control board costs $600,000 a year to operate…so where are the savings there?” he asked.


Collins rules

So basically the control board wants to do this because it guarantees their cushy jobs for the next 30 years.

Go Collins!

lol. thats great.

Fight the good fight!

so far so good

yes, ive been VERY impressed with collins and his NO BS business attitude about things…

somtimes shit doesnt make sense… and somebody needs to step up

he graduated from depew HS in 2002


Very clever Mr. Collins.

He has exposed the control board for what they really are, more government employees looking out for themselves NOT saviors of the county!

Say it ain’t so!


big fan of collins.

Its not so much because he’s a business man, its because he has
experience with failed businesses.

There are plenty of business folk who can not see past the next quarter, or even one months shipping dollars.

Exactly. When you look at his resume of making a career out of buying totally fucked up businesses and turning them around I can’t think of a better person to run Erie County.

Though the “fuckitude” of Erie County probably far surpasses anything he’s seen in the private sector.

so far i’ve been impressed with the things he has done

however i bartended a party for him and a company that was just aquired by a japanese company. and collins personally seems like a shiesty business slick hair kinda dude

Collins is definately trying to make things right, too bad he meets so much resistance by our typical politicians.


You just have a negative opinion of him because he lives in the burbs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Collins for President!

I’ve been very impressed with Collins thus far. For those that don’t know. He’s currently making $1/month Salary (i’m sure he donates the rest to charity for a nice right-off…but still)

Collins is awesome. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a Republican Party Dinner a couple weeks back. Awesome Person with great business ethics.

A couple of my child-hood heros were at this dinner (i.e. Thurman Thomas and Jim kelley) and i was only interested in talking with Collins. True sign that i’m getting old.

:tup: to you sir.