Chris Collins update (Erie County Executive)

Been in the news a lot lately. All good stuff too.

:tup: to this guy. The RPT plan is a brilliant way of dealing with the unions.

:tup: its about time a politician looked into his own den to cut costs rather than just pointing his finger at the others. unfortunaty none of this will affect me.

I like him a lot. He’s got some great ideas. His wife is smoking hot to boot.

He definately has lots of work ahead of him, good to see hes actually practicing what he preached in his campaign.

Good thread, I was just wondering what he was doing so far.
(I haven’t been reading any local news lately.)

I can’t even begin to imagine the mountain he has to climb to change the attitude of county workers.
The county cars?
The county cell phones?
That is just scratching the surface and that alone will be a huge fight.
Thanks Chris and good luck.

Edit; I did hear that they already started 5S.:tup:

I voted for Keane but I’m willing to give him a chance. Looks like he is at least making some efforts to try to live up to his campaign. Now that I’m paying property taxes, the savings looks nice, I would think he was an asshole if I was looking to get into any of those fields though.

Does he really think people working in the district attorney, and comptroller’s offices, presumably educated to do so, and sheriff’s department, are going to want to be part time workers? As part of the first generation of workers that faces tougher job conditions than their parents, every little bit taken away is annoying. Sure, current workers are grandfathered in, but my generation gets to deal with all of these awesome concessions that employers and employees make today.

Cool guy I have met him once when I was home.
He was throwing huge parties in Spaulding for fund raising.

Did you read the article? These aren’t part timer benefits like you think of in the private sector. These 39 hour per week people get, in their first year no less:
5 paid vacation days
7.5 paid sick days
Full 100% paid health benefits for them and their family
1/2 hour paid lunch

Most full time people in the private sector would consider that an upgrade over their current benefits.

Hell of a lot of work ahead of him. But pretty awesome so far to see someone follow through.

And yes, I bet many a person would line right up for most of those positions considering the benefits are still a lot better than many a full-time job out there.

And I really doubt he wants to replace all the full time works with part time people. It’s a strong arm negotiating tactic to deal with these unions who have such sweetheart contracts on the books that they got from years and years of corrupt politicians simply giving them anything they wanted. Collins knows the union contract negotiations are coming up and he’s letting them know that he expects major concessions or he’ll simply stop hiring full time workers.

That is the critical point here.
I just heard yesterday that governemt workers average $13/hour more.
We are at that tipping point where too many people have latched onto the cushy govt jobs and the cost is too high so the taxes have to be rasied which forces out private business.
I know:deadhorse:

The point is; part time In Erie County can be better than full time privately.

yeah, those are pretty similar to what I get full time in the private sector. I get a little more time off but pay $75 a month for health insurance. Just saying, generally the benefits are what evens you out in a government job vs. higher pay theoretically available in the private sector.

If it doesn’t downgrade quality of new hires once its been in effect a bit, I’ll support this. If I had been interested in one of those fields, I wouldn’t.

In all fairness it wasn’t just corrupt politicians, it was being “fat dumb and happy” when this area was booming decades ago and it has finally caught up to us.
Not letting the corrupt politicians off the hook either though.

Doesn’t WalMart have those benefits too?:gotme::wink:

Joe - Keep in my that it is not just attorneys working there. For each attorney they probably have eleventybillion “assistants”(that may have a GED) that wouldn’t exist in the private sector.

Still waiting for JoesTypeS to respond knowing he was a huge Keane supporter.

EDIT: And he’s not reading this thread anymore.

He’s agressive in his promise to work on cleaning up the goverment. :tup: to him. At least he isn’t sitting back and getting comfy before doing anything. He got the ball rolling quickly and looks like it’s in a positive direction. Something we need around WNY.

i dont know if he is going to have enough time, and what was the price of the women he hired… 200k?

I’ve liked Collins from Day One, its nice to see progress happening so quickly.

Are you implying that government workers make 13/hour more than private sector?