Erie County Legislature votes 71k in raises for sewer executives

TAKE THAT ERIE COUNTY RESIDENTS! You’re getting just what you deserve for voting a bunch of union mouthpiece democrats onto the county legislature.

And they voted to not put the county manager before the voters. The 3 remaining Republicans voted for it, 10 Democrats against, and 2 Democrats actually broke with the union line, er, I mean “party line” and voted for it. :tup: to two of you not being entirely in the union’s pocket.

It seems wkbw doesn’t keep their articles up for more than a couple days. Click here for a cached copy from google

Are you really that suprised?

Now waiting for joe to say how the republicans were retards and the dems that voted for it are bastard hypocrits.

your link doesn’t work

Damn wkbw and their inability to archive.

Click here for google cache version

I don’t really see the “union whipping boy” in that decision, since they’re increasing the pay of managers and there’s no mention of a union contract, but hey thanks for playing the “Try to get a dig in on unions every chance I get” game…I think it’s just bad politics and policy, and my boy Mark agrees with me.

:word: I bet Poloncarz gets this taken care of. He was the liaison to the college democrats @ Canisius 2 years ago when I was present and he’s pretty liberal himself, but this move is very Republican-like.

but since this is unions’ fault even though tey’re most likely non-union managers, does that mean tax cuts for management-level employees by republicans are union handouts too?

I have no response to this thread.
Or maybe I have nothing left to say about Erie county.:gotme:

OK here is a little perspective…


So it makes sense that the shit commisioners of Erie County NY make six figures now.

That’s all I got for now.

ummmmm…yeah…Sports stars make what 10 mil /yr…

Income has no reflection on importance of the job

ps - the word commisioner isn’t used once in the article, deputy sure…but not the top dog(s)

i bet that the president made a bit more than $200,000… just not salary

Don’t get me started on sports stars.
Either was the word shit.
That was me being funny.

Union or not, the fact remains that giving raises when the county is facing the very real possibility of having to raise taxes again, is wrong. And the fact still remains that 10 out of 12 Democrats were on the wrong side of this vote, and 3 out of 3 of the Republicans were on the right side of it.

And as for the county manager, something that would have eliminated patronage and the voters wanted on the ballot this fall, 12 for 12 of the Democrats were on the wrong side, voting against putting it on the ballot at all. Republicans? Yep, 3 for 3 voted for it.

This county is a perfect example of why NYS is so fucked.

taxes go up, its called inflation you fucktard

truth…if your yearly income doesn’t increase at least by the yearly inflation, you’re getting a pay cut…If you’re getting a paycut and you’re not quitting your job you need to re-evaluate your career choice. People should get a raise every year…not 20%, but at least inflation + 1 or 2%

Looking at NYS politicians and pointing out the wrongs, unless used as a study of the way not to do things, is so simple and frivilous.

Oh no, if we get that 71k back erie county will be saved! I’ll bet you complain when teachers get pay raises too, because they were incapable of teaching you common sense.

BUT, if you say that about all of the little 71ks they spend it adds up to millions of dollars.

lol but its this 71k mix with the other 100k plus wasted here and that 50k dumped there…these do add up…this area is a place that I hate to love…it could be soooo nice but nope, ruined by greed like most of society

“She says the legislators were told if they didn’t give the raises those employees would leave. Locklear says let 'em go. “These are very good jobs there alot of good benefits that come with county jobs and I have the feeling that there are probably many qualified engineers out there community that would be willing to submit their resume if these people quit.” said Locklear.”

So engineers start sending in your resumes asking to do all the same work for 60K/yr

Reading some of these comments, like I originally said, this county is getting exactly what it deserves. If you’re too stupid to realize giving raises when the county is in the shape it’s in, especially to people who just got large raises last year, then you deserve to live in the highest taxed state in the country.

Just keep saying, “well it’s only another 71K”. That’s how this state got to be #1 in taxes, and the political apathy of the voters is guaranteed to keep it that way.