Erie County Legislature votes 71k in raises for sewer executives

True but raises typically aren’t given when a company is in a terrible financial situation.
The county shouldn’t be handing out more money at this point.
Anyone with simple math skills can figure that out.

A plant supervisor went from more than $93,000 to over $102,000 thousand. Two deputy commissioners are now making more than $91,000, and a district manager is now making over $82,000 dollars.

Where are you getting 60k? And don’t forget, you’re not just making 93k, you’re getting full health, retirement, and enough holiday/sick time that you’ll only work about 1/2 the time of your friends who do the same thing in the private sector.

Yeah I agree so they should have fired them…but you can’t expect people to just work for the same wages year after year…and corporate america has shown us time and time again that not only do executives get raises when a company is in financial trouble, but they get huge bonuses.

Well you’d want to be SAVING money wouldn’t you? 70K then?

They probably all have FULL benefits and cell phones and cars and hookers too.

So? Everyone in my company has full benefits, cell phones, gas cards…

Yeah the county isn’t in a posistion to be giving out raises, I agree with you. However, there’s no data presented that shows how long they’ve worked there, what their starting salary was, etc… etc…

There’s no data in that article about the cost of firing them and replacing them, etc… etc…

At face value this looks like shitty politics & policy. It may not be. It certainly doesn’t appear to be influenced by unions though…

Nope, I was wrong, no unions, just Democrats.

on the books, Billy J made 250k per year for his 8 years. Then in 1999 he decided it would be a good idea for the president to get a raise, and now G-Dub makes 400k per year.

Yes but they do not become the president for the amazing pay scale. EVERY president is already a multi millionaire, from both donations and family money. The pay is just there because its a job, but really does not influance them that much.

on erie county…I call shinanigans! The dems have been fucking this state for years. Nothing will change. How anybody is suprised that the people that are sucking this country dry and fucking us all over decide they need a pay raise is beyond me. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. They get pay raises and raise the taxes to squeez it out of us.

The article does mention that some of them have received substantial raises in recent years…

Erie County Comptroller Mark Poloncarz is challenging the pay hikes saying 4 of the 9 were already given significant raises last year. He even says the resolution granting them is illegal because the legislature gave up its authority to say no to raises.

Yeah i know. Still doesn’t address if they looked into the cost of firing them and replacing them

I’m not saying giving 71K in raises is a good thing…

But what if it would cost 80K to fire them and get new people in there and trained up?

I don’t think the article was supposed to be a study, it was just to make people aware of the status quo spending.

Yeah but is it Status Quo?

Did anyone actually look into how much it would cost to replace them with people to do the same job at the same level?

If the answer is no, then it’s bullshit. If the answer is yes then the raises are justified.

The sewer authority is one of the few areas of county government that isnt fucked. Apparently, the executives there are doing a good job. If you continue to hold people who are valuable to the wage freeze, like the teachers and cops, which is actually a yearly pay cut, you lose the people you actually need, and then they really have problems. Sure, they might hire someone who makes 20k less a year, but getting them integrated and performing up to the previous person’s level is a different story. They might make 70% of the money but only be half as productive. You still lose then.

If employees give you an ultimatum and you give in, you are doomed.
Now EVERY county employee can extort the county and threaten to quit unless given more money.
In the long run this could be very costly for the county.

That only works if they’re more valuable than the money they’re making. If they’re easily replaceable and they give you an ultimatum :wave: there’s a huge unemployed population around here to draw from

Only the ones who have jobs that costs a lot to train new workers. If you run a business and have never had someone threaten to quit unless they get a raise you either don’t have valuable employees, their jobs are non-skilled, or you pay them too much :lol:

I have had people threaten to quit, they don’t work for me any longer.:smiley:

yeah b/c replacing them was easier for you.

Not always but, you are missing the point again Joe, I don’t have a line at my office looking for more money.
Many times fresh blood is good for more knowledge and ideas.:smiley:
The county could definately use fresh ideas.
It is hard to put a solid number on replacing people.

I’m not missing the point…my point is if you’re paying someone lets say 50K and they want 60K, but you can hire someone for 40K but it’ll cost you 25K to get them to the same level as the other person…it’s better to just give the 50K guy his 10K raise. Unless Mr. 50K is a huge asshole, then maybe you pay more to get new ideas…

My only question is was this looked at or did they just stamp the yes on the request?

Maybe easier was the wrong word…better I think would fit more appropriately