Unless you actually use any services provided by the state in which case you probably will lose them. Collins ran on the same shit and his new budget is absolutely ridiculous.
The Collins budget looks great to me.
I’d like a little less blatant punishment of Poloncarz but when you’re as blatant as Poloncarz with your politically based witch hunts you shouldn’t be surprised when it comes back to bite you.
Politically biased witch hunts, or the only one with the balls to try and stop Collins’ quest to be emperor? “Agree with everything I say and do, or I’ll try to bury you and replace you with my lackeys, and if I can’t do that I’ll break the law and just do what I want anyway…if you don’t like it, sue me” is not the way to run a government.
If you have nothing to hide, you have no reason to try to fire 5 out of the 7 watchdogs that are the only ones protecting the taxpayers from you.
Poloncarz for county exec '11. Assuming he runs I will definitely want to work on his campaign.
My thoughts EXACTLY. Collins is a damn tyrant.
And right there is the problem. The “watchdog” should never be vying for the position he’s supposed to be watching over. Poloncarz uses his office as a campaign tool for his next position.
For the most part, I can agree with the campaign tool argument. In this case, having worked with Mark before, it came about out of necessity. If someone else was in there that established a good working relationship and wasn’t so downright hostile, he was satisfied with the comptroller’s job for the immediate future. This came about because of Collins’ bullying, and everyone he pissed off rallied behind Poloncarz to fight because nobody else has the balls, or the potential to win, in a challenge. Collins funding the challenger against him last year pretty much sealed the deal.
i don’t know how this all switched to the Erie county executive…but if you think Collins is doing a poor job, you’re an idiot. I agree with nearly EVERYTHING he as persued and followed through with. And really? Collins is a tyrant? :picard:
The vast majority of people who think Collins is doing a poor job fall into two categories.
- Career politicians who feel entitled to the corrupt system Collins is changing.
- Organizations that have been drawing off the taxpayers dollars for too long.
I for one love paying higher and higher taxes every year… Also when I feel like spending more money than I have I just march into my boss’s office and demand a raise…
I’m am all for what Collins is doing!
edit: double post
How else would you describe someone who ignores what the law and every other official says and just does whatever the hell he pleases? Such as cutting the hell out of anyone’s budget that tries to stand up to you?
In this state, where every law is meant to help unions or entrenched political interests keep their power? I’d call him a visionary.
The people elected him by a vast majority to do exactly what he’s doing; force change and reform into a system that has refused it for decades.
If only Obama and the Dem Congress were as cut-throat about their change agenda as Collins…the teabaggers would have seceded by now. How come you’re so gung ho about checks and balances, but only when the guy is on the other side?
You can’t compare the federal government to NY state, the state voted most dysfunctional government year after year. Checks and balances work at the federal level.
because obviously every law that exists protects the tax payer and not underlying political missions. Just because a law is established…doesn’t mean it should never be challanged again. Times change and the policies and laws should adapt as well. Are you against the fact that he has a clear goal even if it means breaking the mold? He has such strong beliefs in running the government like a business that he refuses to be a puppet just because the majority of his political peers are against it. Finally we have somebody who stands up for themself and makes decisions and doesn’t worry his own popularity among fellow “politicians”. I can’t believe you are anxious to cast someone out of office because he actually has a spine. As far as i’m concerned… he’s getting things done… and of all things, with the best interest of taxpayer in mind.
I am against the fact that his clear goal is to push through decisions that are exactly the opposite of what I think he should be doing. His entire agenda is dead-set against what I believe in…and he doesn’t give a shit. It’s fine to have an agenda that I’m completely against, but the system has due process built in for a reason. You can’t just ignore the rest of the world because they disagree with you. That’s Bush-style leadership and we saw how that worked out. As far as he’s concerned, he is the smartest man in the county, possibly the state, and everyone else is wrong. He’s getting things done with the best interest of the RICH taxpayer in mind. Everyone else can GFY.
That cuts to the heart of it right there. You’ve always been a left leaning, big government, pro government unions, handout supporting lefty and Collins in the polar opposite and actually making progress undoing the corrupt system you and your kind have worked so hard to insulate from change.
And you’ve always been a right leaning, big business, anti-worker, handout for the rich supporting righty and Obama would be the polar opposite and actually making progress, but the corrupt system you and your kind are using to insulate the whole country from change as long as nobody has 60 Senate votes is holding him back. It blows, but he has to play by the rules. Collins should too. If you want dictator level powers, run for dictator.
If he was using Collins’ tactics he would have instituted the public option by executive order and told everyone “If you don’t like it, sue me”, refused to spend military appropriations from Congress, Tried to fire the Supreme Court and then just slashed the hell out of their budget and staff, disobeyed federal subpoenas, and locked every Republican out from seeing any of the government’s books. That would be nice progress for my agenda. Doesn’t make it right.
Thank god we have elections. If enough people believe Collins is tyrant he’ll lose (which ironically automatically removes any chance that he’s an actual tyrant). It’s pretty unlikely at this point, especially with this budget that makes the cuts the majority of voters are asking for and doesn’t raise taxes.
Since you want to keep bring the fed into this, the same elections are going to cost the dems at least the house. And in 2012 it’s looking real bad for your buddy Obama (assuming we don’t nominate someone stupid like Palin).
Federal elections = the economy. The economy sucks right now so people vote out the incumbents. Same thing that happened in 06-08 except in that case at least they voted out those responsible. The economy will be better in ‘12 and probably so will the Dems’ chances. And you guys are going to have a hell of a time not ending up with a teabagger type considering the primary schedule.