Chris Collins

Ain’t democracy a bitch, you voted for what you wanted, but the majority voted the other way :slight_smile:

And if he’s breaking so many laws why haven’t the courts stopped him yet?

I think Joe should run for public office.

In due time…

Sorry if it’s beyond you but yes, he sure acts like one.

I fucking love chris collins. our county government just like the state is bloated, inefficient and loaded with people who only have jobs because of working on certain people’s campaigns over the years. Everyone everywhere is tightening their belts these days, our county government should be no different.

If we ever hope to be a city worth visiting/living in we need to use whatever limited resources we have in the best way possible. Patronage jobs in local government is simply a drain on the area, nothing more. You cant honestly tell me there is no room to cut the fat a little in local government.

I’m for cutting government where it should and can be. My problem is that Collins has zero respect for the law. He will do what be wants and tell you to take him to court. Guess whose money is being wasted by those lawsuits?

And if you’re not willing to get sued nothing will ever change in Erie County or NYS. Remember, this is a region that sued the Senecas because they were going to build the casino in Cheektowaga instead of Buffalo, then turned around and sued them when they started building it in Buffalo.

The default answer to any change in this state is sue, and the laws are stacked to protect all these special interests and political dynasties. Good for Collins for forcing through as much change as he has. I can guarantee you he’s cut more money than he’s spend defending lawsuits.

We shall find out soon enough. Supposedly a report is being released regarding said expenditures.

It is the “not in my backyard” way of thinking. People know way too much money is wasted but when it is their friend or family member that has to be cut Collins is an a tool. “My cousin is a super smart hard worker, Collins is a tool!”

A report by who though? Our “independent watchdog” comptroller who happens to be running for county executive? [sarcasm]If so I’m sure that will be an entirely unbaised report.[/sarcasm]

This is the biggest piss off that I can see in our local government. How the fuck can this guy be allowed to run for the office? He can literally skew numbers all day, make Collins look like a scam and steal the office.

After the healthcare poll numbers prior to the final vote, Il would say it’s more of Obama style. People are sick of the rampant spending at all levels.

Bump for today…Polls show a dead heat at 48-48, but in order to try to keep Collins in office the Republicans didn’t run anyone in any city race, which is the most Democratic area, and there are several important contests in the suburbs, so it’s all going to come down to voter turnout.

Since he’s running Erie County like a business, I’ll put it in business terms.
Eighty-Six Sigma.


70% approval rating but no re-election. Only in Buffalo LMAO.

I especially liked in his concession speech. “I can’t thank the county staff enough, all you had to do was look around at all the empty office space, to see how they were forced to do more with less…”

Yeah, because you fired them all, you fuck.

So the union goons came out and voted so they could get their unnecessary jobs back. Scary really.

This election was more than just union goons. The outer ring suburbs came in first (Amherst, Clarence, OP, etc.) and Poloncarz held his own there. It was 50-50 or 51-49 the whole time. The Maria Whyte race which was a dead heat overall was like 56-44 at the time for the Republican. For a Democrat to not get their ass handed to them out there says widespread appeal, not just the typical unions and minorities from the city. As soon as the city returns came in, the margins blew up.

Lesson learned: Don’t fuck with jobs, don’t fuck with libraries, don’t fuck with the arts, don’t fuck with the parks, and if you’re going to do so, don’t be such a prick when you do it.

You definately shouldn’t be a prick in WNY because voters here have the emotional intelligence of a second grade, spoiled brat.