Chris Collins

Or they use those things and are smart enough to vote in their own self-interest?

Yeah, like a second grade, selfish, spoiled brat.

So voting against the guy YOU like, governs to benefit YOU at their expense, and happens to be pretty much exactly the same as YOU, demographically, makes voters spoiled brats?

---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

Just went back and noticed this.:bigtup:

That is the difference between you and me, you are like the selfish union voter that just wants to help himself by getting his job back. I vote for the good of everyone.

Fixed. You run a successful business, you cannot possibly be that naive. “ME” /= “Everyone.”
And for the record, I’m non union, and don’t use any of the things listed except the libraries and parks once in awhile. However, I acknowledge their right to exist because there’s a lot of people who do, and who knows what King Collins would have cut with another 4 years to work with.

You can’t be that naive to believe Collins eliminated all of those services or that he would have in another 4 years. Efficiencey is not evil, it benefits the vast majority.

He only killed the ones he could. The rest he choked through financial starvation but luckily they survived. Another 4 years may have finished a lot of them off.

Dbag is back for another round, won the nomination to take on Kathy Hochul this fall for Congress. Apparently getting fired from his job qualifies him for a promotion.

There is no way he beats Hochul. People would elect her queen if they could because she made the DMV better. lol

He’s got a fighting chance, new district is a lot more Republican than the old one. Lots of bumfuck counties that would vote for a cow if it had an R after its name, and wealthy Southtowns.

Bessie for senate!