Chris Collins update (Erie County Executive)

If he’s referring the the article I read a while ago it was taking into account their other benefits, like free health care, retirement, high number of days off etc and rolling it all into a “dollars/hour” figure.

It is more like 6 dollars with everything rolled all together.

same here. Nice to see an elected official actually doing something worth while. I wish him the best of luck

That is what I heard on the radio yesterday.
I didn’t check though.:wink:

The benefits that government jobs supply (health care, etc…) aren’t even close to being unreasonable. If you’re not being supplied free (or close to it) health care by your employer, you have a shitty fucking employer. If you can’t make profits and supply health care you should really start looking at doing something else.

OR maybe you should think about the fact that if you paid slightly more in taxes (probably much less than you’re paying for your own health care) you wouldn’t have to worry about it because we’d be able to have universal health care.

As for the feel good articles Jay posted:

Look closely at the car issue, they have control of what 30 cars? Maybe they can justify cutting 1/2 of them, woohoo! Hardly ground breaking.

I’ll give credit to the part-timer idea, it makes sense.

thanks, but no thanks

OK that’s just funny.
If who pays slightly more in taxes?
Corporations are going to foot the bill on national healthcare and if you deny that, you are full of shit or naive or both.

Everybody is going to be paying into universal health care: individuals & corporations alike (keep in mind I’m talking about a SINGLE payer system)

My company pays well over 300K a year in health care for its employees, happily.

Isn’t that what Canada’s using?

no thanks.

universal health care seems great in theory but i just don’t think it would work in the US. In Canada they seem to have time issues with getting people into surgeries within a timely manner. If I were dying of cancer, I wouldn’t want to be told I have to wait 9 months for surgery.

Oh really? Why?


Don’t turn this isn’t a universal health care debate because it has nothing to do with Collins.

He has issue with the huge benefit packages that Erie County unions are getting and he’s found a way around it using part time people. He doesn’t have issue with their health care, more their vacation time. 700-900k is hardly a drop in the bucket, especially if he can use this plan to renegotiate these benefits for all the full time union people. Then you’re talking about millions and millions of dollars.

because they pay a retarded amount of money for a failed system.

If I’m paying for health care (either through taxes or private insurance) I’ll be damned if I’m going to wait around for 14 weeks waiting to get checked out for chest pains.

Very cool guy. I met him at the Winter Classic. Him, his wife, and his state trooper guarding him ran by us giving us high fives and chanting “let’s go buff-a-lo” with us. Good to see hes doing good things.

Statistics for emergency room wait times being 14 weeks?

I always wonder about employers who consider health care an expense. Providing health care for employees is investing in the stability of your company. If employers actually calculated what sick time and turnover cost in lost productivity they’d be more apt to pay for healthcare.

I also consider money spent on public education an investment. A quick look at the grammar on this board gives you a good idea about the real costs of lower taxes.

I hope Collins can rein in some of the corruption. I’ve heard some interesting stories.


Umm, what?
Bad example.

I didn’t say emergency rooms, but I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of people waiting for days to get in.

Median waiting time for radiation treatment for breast cancer in province of Ontario: 8 weeks
Median waiting time for angioplasty in the province of British Columbia: 12 weeks
Median waiting time for radiation treatment for prostate cancer in province of Quebec: 12 weeks
Median waiting time for cataract removal in the province of Ontario: 20 weeks.
Median waiting time for cataract removal in the province of Saskatchewan: 52 weeks.
Median waiting time for a tonsillectomy in the province of Saskatchewan: 80 weeks.