This is what you get when you put a businessman in office.

OT, but Thurmann and his son dropped by and enjoyed some ice cream at a place in EA the other day. He was telling the owner how he just bought a home here. Just seemed very down to earth and it was nice that noone was bothering him either.

And back on topic, the control board really is pointless at this time. They need to go.

yea the control board needs to go! They really havent done much except suck away more of our tax dollars… The only reason why they want the bonds is for job security. Screw that.

yeah, he’s very down to earth. I thought he was stuck up because he wouldn’t give out his autograph to anybody when i was a kid. I’m still mad at him for playing for Miami when he left buffalo.

My buddy pestored him in line at the buffet, making reference to the superbowl loss and how we would have had a day off of school the next day… Thurman got a chuckle.

Yea, I was upset about the miami contract too. At least he signed the 1 day here, so he could retire with some buffalo pride.

Bruce too.

The control board was here because of the screwups of Giambra and the legislature, and they did a great service to Erie County while we had Giambra at the wheel.

I’m not sure they’re ready to leave yet because the legistlature got worse not better since the red/green budget fiasco, but I don’t want to see them sign for a bond that guarantees they’ll be here for the life of that bond either.

Its good to hear that there is a chance for a turn around in Buffalo

Did anyone else notice that for once on this site, 25 posts were made and not ONE argument, disagreement, or contradiction was made?!?! Where’s the archive button??

Oh, and :tup: to Collins. I am very impressed as well with how he’s doing :slight_smile:

So in other words he took a calculated risk that the control board won’t be needed for the life of said bonds. If they’re still here, he wastes hundreds of thousands in overpaid interest and reduces the county’s available credit. If they’re no longer needed, he saves having to keep them around. Could be a good move, or a bad one.

your math is confusing.

on a high side the control board will save $40,000 in interest expense per year. Assuming a 30 year repayment period, and excluding the fact that the interest payments will diminish with time the city will pay $1,200,000 in interest. Equal to 2 years of our illustrious control boards time.

Even giving the control board 10 years more in power (which will NOT) happen. The city will only see a $400,000 savings. while that same control now unneeded
board will cost $ 6,000,000.

huge :tup: to Collins, give it another year then bring up the thread with all the nay-sayers :smiley:

lol, back in the early 90’s (obviously) I was at Callahan’s on RT.20 eating dinner with the family and sure as shit Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and a few other Bills were there getting drunk. I went up to the bar and asked them for an autograph and they told me NO

I was a sad 10 year old lol it was a long walk back to the table

im sorry but I see no reason for that… its real shitty