Giants playing awesome for a 3rd week in a row, lol

giants dropping off the map and cowboys playing good. Good times

nice to see the resident cowboys fan came out from under the kitchen table to make a post.

nice to see the resident cowboys fan came out from under the kitchen table to make a post, i dont make excuses, my team can do that, they make millions of dollars to win games, and arent doing it

leave us alone.

and to all the dallas fans. YOU ARE GAY… you were the only team not willing to wear any pink to support breast cancer. which means you hate boobs. and yes that is GAY!!! you’re the most unamerican team in football and i hope tony homo gets h1n1. and jvg jessica simpson is hot!!!

Real men dont wear pink!!


fixed it for you.

FUCK Dallas for not supporting breast cancer. That shit is lame, and boobs rule.


They were trying to be emo and non-conforming :rofl


Not true, Dallas was wearing pink.



Atleast Ive got weekends (although only one day the past two weeks) to do stuff I want to besides work and the gym.

And watching any kind of sports is not something I feel like doing.

You obviously missed my posts and other threads then going back to the first loss that was about what 3 weeks ago. And Eli’s stats are officially worse then Romos and your awesome defense blows. unless 30 some points or more against is doing good. :rofl These losses arent even close.

Im jk big guy. Who loves ya!!! :lol

Yeah, I know there buddy. Cya at the gym tomorrow.

Ugh…the gym… :frowning: lol

I kicked my own ass there Friday- my legs were killing me. I was feeling fine today though before the 20 mile bike ride I took. Almost time to take a 2.5 mile walk.

It really isn’t a nice rumor to start about a tear not wearing pink in support. Props to Dallas & all teams in support of tittays then. :thumbup

annnnnd yours is a 460bb fox lol and you have a small block fbod now…:ponder

whats owend?