Giants playing awesome for a 3rd week in a row, lol

his mustang by someone else, happy Pete

A loss being close or a blowout is still a loss, just like when the Giants beat the Cowboys earlier this year it still show up in the standings as a win even though it was close.

, rich, why did, you, edit, your post?

c,a,u,s,e, y,o,u,r, a,n, a,s,s,

ok pal

your one to talk about spelling


Guys Richie doesn’t know what “mexico” is, and he probably won’t find this thread again.

Well thank god they dont suck as bad as the Giants


Ill take 3 in a row and a QB not throwing numerous picks in a game week in and week out. 3 Wins in a rows owns 3 Losses.

nice, nice…


LOL @ the second one! ahahah


And another :rofl

there was actually less fail @ the Shift518 football meet today. :facepalm

:rofl Howd that go man?? We ended up goin riding

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