Globe1280's 4CYL FTL Horizon Grey Civic Build.

you can buy a big ass can of undercoat at advanced for $4… 5 cans would do the whole car haha… what is this glass etching?

that guy is sooooo annoying

Well they sold it as an undercoating and paint protection package. Basically spraying anything under the car with that shit and waxing it. I made a stupid mistake falling for that.

They etched a serial number into the glass for theft and insurance purposes.

I miss having this setup :Idiots:facepalm:Idiots :

Cute little loop-de-loop you got going on there. Happy belated b-day too. If it wasn’t for working late Friday then being there 7am Saturday I would have definitely been there!:’(

llol thanks George, I was wondering where you were. Leo skipped out on me too. But he had no excuse :facepalm:facepalm:facepalm

that loop must have been sweet :excited

Yeah it really was. I actually traveled back in time at that point…

Another pic, since i havent seen the car in weeks…

Another few pics im sure i posted already, but the Paint looks soooo good!

I like the squattin’ pic

That pic was taken by AMD too. He is the man!

Yeah, I was gonna go when you had it planned on Saturday, for sure, but since shit never goes as planned at Saturn, I didn’t want to screw myself for Saturday as they’re usually pretty busy.

Tired + another person’s safety = not cool with me.

Nice one Leo, you live like 5 minutes away.:shifty

sick pic at the track you should have posted that sexy white car behind yours instead

Should have this hot rod back tommarow. If not, it will be running at least.

Sick!!! I just got an unxpected bonus at work,So the civic will be going back to synapse.Low 12’s here I come!

arnt you lucky i just got a $3.50 pay cut haha fucking bs

hope this pantie dropper is out this weekend supposed to be 70 and sunny

DAMN thats like 3 and half mcDoubles



So is this thing coming home tonight

heard it has a rod knock