This is true, but it will help for traction on the street ;D
I think arod and matt know full well what they’re doing.
When did I say they didn’t :confused
Just saying… no need to get huffy
:gay :crackup
What’s this talk about traction bars? It’s one bar folks
Pshhhh traction barss who needs em
Its not a 1978 camaro its a civic it only needs 1
:+1 or maybe he’s gonna need two next yr!!! :crackup
people with a front slopy suspension… :giggedy It will get rid of that which causes wheel hop.
Matt get a good boost controller… :ssh
Dual statge mbc :giggedy
Go big or go home, gear or RPM based EBC FTW
I like to keep things simple. Ive noticed a few people that have had nothing but problems with gear based bc’s
:+1 dual stage FTW!
huh? what problems? I set mine up in minutes, even setup closed loop so it nails the right PSI every time at any temp.
Why switch up something that works? My mbc worked great. No need to spend money on an ebc just yet :nod
Its 3 bars. one support bar and two adjustable links from the control arms to the front support… “traction barS”!
all one unit
It’s one fuckin bar, jesus christ