Oh noes. All the automakers are feeling it right now for sure. They have soo much wrapped up in the economy and the country that they can’t afford to shut down. Yet it looks like they can’t afford to keep running either.
The problem here is that the more import cars you guys buy, the more profitable foreign companies become, the less profitable domestic companies become, and the more the economy gets fucked.
You can justify your import purchase all you want, you are just adding to the problem and you know it. You can try to put whatever postive spin on it, but the bottom line is the money you spent isn’t staying here.
The last time I checked, this was nyspeed, not nymileage. There seems to be a hell of a lot of people on this board cruising around with 16 second (or slower) cars, with ample luggage space. What exactly are you slow guys doing in here anyway? Yes it’s a free board, I understand that, but what are you going to learn in here? What information do you have to give? I thought this board was for car enthusiasts who are into modifying, racing, improving performance, etc…
General Motors stock price tumbles 31% TODAY under speculation that they will not survive the credit crunch. :ohnoes:
are you kidding me?
do you have a college degree? honestly, you just busted out an extremely broad brush and painted the whole global economy with it. also, if you think that buying foreign cars is the problem with the economy, then wake up. this has become a global economic problem, and it has very little to do with the choice to purchase domestic vs foreign autos.
I don’t think that import cars are solely the problem. Anything imported is a problem. When a country imports more than it exports, that’s not good. But a car purchase is a MAJOR purchase. Show me where I said that the economy is based solely on the auto industry.
joelster -
I guess you don’t shop at WalMart?
And you don’t buy Briggs & Stratton equipment at big 'ole 'merican Sears?
Or buy American cars (gasp!) manufactured in Mexico, or with foreign parts, or built with capital from loans based on foreign banking.
And you don’t gas your car with foreign oil either? You have that special homegrown Niagra blend?
GM will never go bankrupt because this country would be totally fucked if they closed. Think of the ripple effect that would have when so many people lost their jobs all at once.
GM’s sales #'s fell a smaller amount than any other manufacturer YTD for September. That means they are weathering this storm better than the other manufacturers.
Why do we always have "GM sucks/closing/shitty interior/bankruptcy threads on this site? Seriously, this situation involves the auto industry as a a worldwide entity, not just GM people.
I don’t shop at Wal-Mart ever. I see where you are going with this. You want to point out all of the imported stuff that I have purchased. Yes I have purchased lots of it, just like you. It’s not by choice though. If I had a choice I would go with domestic stuff, sometimes there is no choice though, as sad as it may be. Clothes would be a good example. If someone opened a store in the mall with 100% American made clothes and/or products, I bet it would do well. A car purchase is 100% by choice. Don’t give me that American car made in Mexico crap either. It’s still a US owned company with the majority of the shareholders being in the US, and the majority of the car must be either assembled on soil here, or the components are assembled on soil here, with the final assembly in Mexico. I don’t remember the specifics but the UAW sees to that. That Mexican assembly line can feature engines built right over here in Tonawanda, NY.
Dude I don’t buy that for a second… No one is that nation conscience/selfless when they make purchasing decisions. No one! We are too concerned with cost and convince in this nation on so many product groups that I cant buy for one second that you evaluate all of your purchasing decisions with that outlook.
jesus shit i just saw full out tits and cunt on American apparels friggin homepage…
american made clothes with porno on the main site… why is your wardrobe not full of this stuff?
friggin companies man date was to specifically make american basics until the owners mandate became everything having to do with being a total scumbag pervert.
agreed with moboost.
joelster, i agree with the sentiments you express. If you read my very first post I said “i would LOVE to buy american”…we all would. it’s just not possible.
And if someone opened up a “100% Made in the USA” apparel store in your mall…it would go out of business. Quickly. It’s simply not economically possible.
And just to flip your little US/Mexico thing…Just how do you feel about Toyota trucks BUILT in the US…I guess we can’t buy those because the dollars go to the land of the rising sun. But what about all of those US jobs?
You see, it’s not so simple joelster…the world economy connects us all a lot more that you think. And the mistakes that have been made in this country…some of it is too late to repair.
I don’t look at every little thing. I never said I did, go re-read it. I said that I do in fact buy lots of imported stuff. BUT if I am given a choice, I will always choose domestic. Sometimes there is no choice, ie:clothes.
Don’t generalize me with the general public who is “too concerned with cost” because that’s not me at all. I don’t over-extend myself with stupid materialistic things like big-screen tv’s, $300 cell-phones, etc. Those are the people who cry when gas goes up $.10, not me.
Where I work we were invaded 2 years ago by a foreign company (DHL)who hired their workers for slave wages to compete with us. They took a nice chunk at first, by price cutting us, but we are winning the war big-time. I get reminded of this every day.
Maybe more people need to see first-hand what can happen when their job security is at risk, all due to a foreign company coming in. Then maybe they will see things my way.
Agreed… I feel nothing can bail out US automakers at this point… The damage is done and that damage is US buyers perceptions of American made cars…
The finance programs were great
The innovative and market competitive vehicles were a great amendment to what were considered “stale” vehicles for the last decade or so
But they just did that all too late… they missed a beat with foreign automakers and then this whole economic situation happened and now no one has no reason to “buy American” other than to buy American imho.
he drives a lil vw piece of shit what can you expect from him? obviously he isnt educated enough to buy something thats going to last,
as much as i hate you, i greatly agree with your post, quality is what matters and supporting your country
would you guys shut up…
american car companies are run by bankers who make shitty automotive decisions.
GM makes boring ass cars, therefore, no one buys them. Their sales numbers are inflated by fleet and commerical vehicle sales. I bet they are not in the top 2 for worldwide personal use passenger vehicle sales.
People buy imports because they are better cars, hold their value longer, look better, last longer, out perform, more fuel efficient etc. etc.
The North American car buyer… all 300 million of them, didnt make a massive shift to foreign cars for no reason. They made that shift because american car companies fucking suck in so many ways that lead to a shitty product for several decades. As much as they want to claim they have fixed things, it’s too late…
i would not buy american. I bought my wife a new Kia and i’m pretty happy with it. happy enough in fact that i will very seriously consider looking at getting another KIA after this one. It isnt my fault that i’ll be buying foreign. It’s GM’s fault for not making a car that appealled to me.
I really never agree with anything you ever say but thats the nail on the head right there.
you,ll be happy at 50,000 miles when the shitty engine goes boom, and your warrenty does nothign for you, my friend owns a forign repair shop, trust me its only a matter of time before that lil crap motor pops