GM Nationals @ Carlisle - Who's going?

Who all from the forums are going to the GM Nats’ at Carlisle this month? (Last weekend in June).

There’s a group of 4 or 5 of us land barge drivers caravanning up. Any other Pittsburgh groups want to make it a convoy? :smiley:

I think we’re all planning on leaving here Thursday sometime after lunch.

There are a few of us goats going up Friday morning

Thinking about going up

Land barges? I think me and my buddy Steve are rollin his 73 grand prix out …land barge enough?

I may go out.

Yeah our Impalas, Caprices, and Wagons. Yeah, I would say a 73 GP is a land barge too. :smiley:

ill prolly be gettin on the pike at bedford

me and a few local goats are going out friday

Local goats? Who?

One kid has a yellow 04 from here in Latrobe and the other got a 6.0l just a few days ago and a couple others I haven’t met yet

O, Yellow 04 is Rocco, he has been posting a bit on our boards…

What time are you guys planning on going? We will have to meet up on the pike… We were thinking 11-noonish on Friday

yep rocco…didnt know he was on any boards

i have to find out when were meeting up to discuss everything but will try to find out when so we can all meet up

Yeah he posts on… There is a midnight blue GTO that will be meeting up with us along the way from Derry so if we can coordinate a meetup time for everyone would be sweet.

for sure…how manys gonna be in your guys group?

I’m in that group of goats. wooo.

Prob 6 or 7…

I am driving out on Friday early afternoon from State College. We are staying at the Best Western in Mechanicsburg, PA. How about you guys?

Some are staying at some motel around Carlisle, the rest of us are taking advantage of the $25 weekend camping at the fairgrounds.

i think were camping out there not sure yet…i have no clue about anything at this point

they are doing camping again? Interesting…