GM sends letter to suppliers asking them to lobby for money.. gets this in reply

the government basically gave the banks a free pass to loan out money to anyone with a pulse and at any interest rate they fucking wanted.

everyone is to blame from the government to the banks that loaned the money right to the guy that signed the fucking loan paper work to get the loan.

When someone says “I make x per year,” that’s usually what they’re referring to. GM would refer to that as an 85k/yr pay structure.

ANyone who posts on this board and doesn’t agree with that response to that letter should be perma-banned

The socialist wankers here wont agree with it. They wont be happy until the line worker makes as much as the sales manager who makes as much as the CEO. But they all get the same Tylenol after waiting 5 hours in an emergency room line to get it.

Hahaha. Well put.



actually the gov’t gave out free money during the depression in various ways. and the “stimulus package” is for people to try and spend money at local businesses so that the companies can grow and create more jobs…however, that didnt happen…also if you made under a certain amount that year, you got a lesser check than everyone else.

Right, like nowdays people buy japanese cars for looks, dependability and gas mileage. People buy american cars for employee discounts, huge rebates, and free oil changes for life.

i didnt read this thread but FUCK GM YA!!

That’s funny. Last time I checked, I liked the look of my corvette, its been on the road since 1999 without issue and gets 31mpg hwy 23mpg city.

Hmm, again, how a car looks and what someone thinks of that is subjective, and american cars have come a long ways with gas mileage.

The cars are no longer the problem. It is the way the company is run and that is why GM and the like are in such problems. Have import sales hurt domestic sales, yes, of course. Each person likes a specific car for a specific reason so you can’t really argue that.

nobody likes corvettes… if you have a chevy or a ford you have sexuality issues. haha JK

I hear ya

The banks were basically ordered to loan the money , theres a solid argument there. The community reinvestment act, started with Jimmy C, and signed by Clinton forced banks to de-regulate /re-regulate to help the “down trodden” and those left behind, an ability to buy. I am sure it was with good intention. Bush did little to stop it, though he addressed it and he failed. Blame due there.
The brokers, both Real Estate and Bank, along with the rest of the industry saw what was happening and laughed their way to the bank, but ULTIMATE and FINAL responsability falls on those who did the dead and bought when they shouldnt have, and often lied to get what they wanted.
We have addressed and talked about that for a year, poorly, but it was brought to light and blamed for what brought down the system.
The bad mortgages were bundled and bought and sold carelessly through banks and corporations like Lehman Bros… They are to blame for also turning a blind eye and lying.

The bottom line is the government was the enabler. The government should not be in a posisition to be that. If the country kept to its Capitalist nature, with regulations put in place to HALT what they actually enabled, then this wouldnt have happened like this.

The new wave of forclosures is those that lost their job. I see this daily now. While 6 months ago it was the cheaters losing their homes, now its good Americans that can’t keep the wage income.
The government is not the answer. Hard work, time and capitalism is. The current administration does not reward this.

With all due respect, I must say, you need to stop listening to the liberals that hold our education, and now country…hostage.

im not a full liberal and i dont pay attention to most of them; it just depends on the topic at hand. a lot of stuff im pretty conservative; im a libertarian through and through though…

you know whats been pissing me off lately. The fucking fucillo guy.

I was watching one of his commercials and I started laughing. We are in a financial “crisis”, people are losing their jobs, selling their belongings to pay bills, etc etc. This motherfucker is trying to sell fucking me a Hyundai, IN A FUR FUCKING JACKET. are you fucking real? what the fuck were you thinking on that move bud???

and I agree 100 percent with Jesse and SRS. we should not be bailing ANYBODY out.

lets say I open up a business. The business takes off immensely, and I get crazy fucking rich. then I pretty much say “fuck changing my business method, my customers won’t care” and all of a sudden, things start to dwindle sales wise. Now INSTEAD of changing things, I sit back and watch as the company goes deep into the shitter. So then when I notice that a good percentage of the population made bad choices in buying a home they couldn’t afford and the government is stepping in, I whine and complain to the government in order to get money… money that I can just dump into the same shitter my company is in.


and to top it off, I overheard on the news Obama giving a speech about the nation saving plan to help the economy… BUY A NEW AMERICAN CAR. Ummm… WTF. wait…this seems familiar… buying something new, that I don’t need, and is too expensive, on credit… OH YEA, THE HOUSING CRISIS. what the fuck obama. seriously? We give the black guy the chance, and first thing he does is go cop a new car. Un-fucking-believable. And yes, I voted for Obama. Jammer gets one short kick to my nuts. Hopefully this is just a fleeting thought from the white house. But seriously thinking about the whole thing, could there be a better possible “solution”, if it can even be called that at all?

Have you ever seen any foreign companies giving “employee discounts”? I havent. They dont have to People who buy american cars nowadays are shopping for a price, people who buy foriegn cars are shopping for a car. Im not talking about Corvettes, im talking about normal cars that most people in this country drive. Camrys, Accords etc. You know that high volume vehicles. Sure the product isnt the whole problem but a much better product would help.

I’m with you on that, Walt.

are there seriously people on here like that?

man don’t hate on fucillo, guy’s a genious, and definitely has the hustle, thats why he is where he is. I think we should be taking notes, lord knows i am.