GM workers have a sense of humor.

so im working on a new Z06 and being that its hand assembled you can see the marker spots on bolts that were torqued, nothing huge or interesting just an orange dot on each bolt head, but then i came across the crank pulley bolt…

kinda got a chuckle out of it


clean up the shipping area already!

haha nice.

LMAO we do that once in a while.Boss gets angry if they catch you but we don’t do it where you could ever really ever see it.If you’re ever working on a 3.5 and you see a smiley face on the bottom of the oil filter…

lol… i did stuff like that back in the day

we gotta re stock pacesetter first

Cool :slight_smile:

ha ha, I sent that pic to our GM guy and he lol’d. good stuff

Look at the inside of the rear fascia on a Cobalt for the autograph and a message from the sub-assembler. I’ve seen a few funny/clever ones.