Gmail is evolving

not in my account yet :(… but soon :slight_smile:

i got it got it got it


got it :slight_smile:

Not yet…

Not yet.

But :tup: to Google. Definitely a nice feature.

link blocked.


GMAIL is now offering IMAP in addition to POP



not in my account yet :(… but soon :slight_smile:


not on mine either :frowning:

I tried setting it up today too

What is the benefit of IMAP over POP?

IMAP access the email from the server and keeps it there, does all modifications on the server, instead of POP downloading the messages from the server and saving it to your computer.

My gmail capacity jumped from 3GB to 4.3 in two days.

log out and log back in and you should have the imap feature

Logged out and back in, still nothing.

wtf no imap for me yet


i have it…but i don’t think i really need to use it…do i???

Did you notice your bump in email space to 4+ GB?

I think it was because hotmail gives you 5GB.


wtf no imap for me yet



wtf seriously! where is my imap!!!
