GM's going out of business sale

Not exactly but close

Cash-starved GM’s set to auction many recent and slightly less-important vehicles from its Heritage museum Collection at the upcoming Barrett-Jackson auction. Surprisingly full yet not-quite finished list below.
Basically, GM’s auctioning off anything they can semi-easily buy another one of when (hopefully) times get better. Smarter move than auctioning off the rest of the more-priceless classics they’ve got in their Warren-based Heritage Center, like the dozens of completely irreplaceable and one-off concept cars. Of course, they could probably get more for those. Maybe they’re next if times get even more tight.
While the list appears heavily stacked towards the 1990s and 2000s, that doesn’t mean there aren’t older vehicles on it. Check out the 1904 Oldsmobile Touring Runabout for an example. Us? We’re hoping the Gawker Non-Denominational Winter Holiday Bonus is big enough for one of the 1989 Corvette ZR-1s.
Still, we’re hearing the final list of vehicles for sale is not-yet-complete. Maybe some of the more precious will go live to buy.
The Barrett-Jackson auction runs from January 13-19, 2009 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Break out the piggy banks.

Lol, i want the first aztec off the line…

Thats is a long list

what a fucking ugly truck!


CTS-VR Race Replica (black)

2004 CTS Super V

2008 CTS Sport


They really couldn’t have just sorted that list? By year then name? wtf.

jay leno…

LT-5 Camaro would be pretty cool.

Super V

or maybe it is this


This should bring in some decent cash for GM.

That’s a long ass list.

The Solstice from Transformers? lol. I actually like that car.

I wonder how much the different solstices will go for.

WTF is that? A jetta?

yes a MK3 VW Jetta 4cyl 2.0l, it was on vortex before

I wanna see all those cars.

VWtf. :o

1998 Popemobile

holy shit, that would be pimp…

Someone update this with how much these cars sold for.

1991 Saturn 4 Door 1991 (White)

That’ll go fast.

they should have just burned down the building and collected insurance.