Go-Cart Forum Battle?

As far as i know any weekend can work for me so ill stay out of the vote to see what works for everyone else

Bump for more date votes!

we need more votes for the 2nd and 16th!!!

im down for 2nd & 9th.
16th is drifting at beaver run so im out on that date

9th it is!

9th just fOr gannero. And u guys think I’m kiddingabout racing for the win. I pulled big hands spark plug
Wire off his cart when we were side by side then when he was trying to fix it I t boned him into the wall and busted his lip open from the impact.


that place looks pretty sweet but 5 and a half hours is a bit much haha


I hate you chooch.

Any last votes to try and beat out the 9th?

Interested to hear how this is going to be run. I’m deciding if I want to do this or go back to Nelson for another FunDay.

F the 9th lol.

9th it is Josh! Lock this shit up. :tup:

How did I miss this? I put my votes in for the 2nd and 16th as I’m not sure what my plans are for Columbus Day weekend yet. Whatever date we end up choosing, I’ll try to make this…it’s too close for me not to!

october 2nd works for me. looks like i have a race in hastings michigan the weekend of the 7-9th and a race in arcade on the 16th.

So how exactly does this work?

Bump let’s set these plans in stone!!

Vlad is calling the track today :tup:

Oct 9th :tup:

Xander and I are in.

Alright guys, it looks like all the days (including the 9th) that we’ve tried to book are already taken. :tdown:

We’re going to need to select a new set of dates for you guys to pick :frowning: