Go-Cart Forum Battle?

Kinda expected when we are calling 1 week in advance lol. Let’s make it happen soon, I don’t know how much more we can hold off on this weather.

Bummer. I also picked the 9th. But I’m pretty flexible, so maybe they can let you know when there are open dates.

The 9th was actually the one date that probably wasn’t going to work for me lol. But hopefully now I’ll be able to go. Onyx if you need any help with anything, just let me know. I live like 20 minutes from the track.

Will do man thanks!


Not yet. Placed a call, waiting for a call back. Apparently the guy accepts texts too, but call me old-school but I’m going to try voice communication first, lol.

Let’s get this shit going before snow gets here Josh!


Any more word?

Vlad got a hold of them today and he said Sunday’s were booked up. We don’t know for how long though.

I know I can’t do any Saturdays right now… maybe we should pick a weekday? :meh:

Ugh, weekdays would be tough at best for a local track. 2 hour drive each way seems to be all but impossible for most here.

Yeah I work Monday-Friday 8-5. I have a strong feeling this isn’t going to happen.

Might be better to hold off until Spring.

We should get a feel for it this year then by time spring comes with a warmer ground we would be pros!

Haha that would be ideal, but we are running out of time.

Bump for a new central option for both forums! It’s indoors, climate controlled, 45mph (electric) carts @ the Destiny mall in Syracuse.



Video they made a few months ago, the track is at the end:

I’m going to bump the thread on Shift to see if we can get interest going again. Since it’s indoors we can pick any date over the winter, but after the holidays would be better I think.

I went on a similar course when I was in Cali with Newman and Andy. I’m in for sure if you want to actually make this happen. Naab I’m coming for you!

The only reason it didn’t happen last time was because all the dates were already booked… and it was getting too cold outside to do outside carting. This gives us a lot more flexibility.

Weekends would be best I’m assuming and right after the holidays. Start picking some dates chooch.

LOL @ 6:44 in the vid.

I’d be itnerested!