Go kart racing league


Basically you pay for a membership and there are points races 2 times a month.
It costs $50 per event and you pick which day you want to race. They are not actual shifter karts but have a shifter kart frame, 1 speed honda motors that go up to 80km/h.

I was just wondering if anyone has done this before and what it was like since im interested in joining.

If the go-karts have vtec then i’m in.

Want to be on my team Mark? Come up with a name and your’e in!

my neighnours were signed up for it last year, I went to watch one of the races once. It seemed like a decent program, but is quite pricey, then again what form of motorsports isnt? theres a $100 membership fee if you register before a certain time, then the equiptment purchase (balaclava, helmet, neck brace, gloves, shoes) and then a $50 charge every two weeks to enter the race.

I’ve been thinking of getting a membership for there so I can run my own kart whenever I want. I’m not sure what their rules are about racing your own kart competitivly and the different classes, i have to look into that.

I’ve signed up for this season. It is expensive, but thats life.

How about Akina Speedstars?

I raced in a sister series to this at Brencole Kart club on Hamilton Mountain.

This was about 3 years ago. It was a ton of fun, I finished 4th in my weight class out of about 15 or so people.

it was $30 per night when I went but then they hiked it up and keibashed the two heat races and did time trials instead… that sucked so I didn’t come back. Plus I picked up a sweet black 240 :wink:

So I joined, I managed to get my membership for only $50 over the phone with a guy named Daniel, he said if I get more people than he can give out more memberships for $50, I will talk to him on Monday and see if he is still willing to give out the deal.
It looks like it will be a lot fun and its only 20 mins away from my house in Pickering and yes it is expensive but the good thing is you dont have to pay a huge upfront fee, you pay throughout the season so it doesn’t seem that way lol

i did the series 2 years ago in hamilton, same thing, it will cost you around 700 bucks for the whole season.

but it was a wicked time well worth the money.

hey drift_ready, guess I’ll be seeing you out on the track then haha