Go to hell and fuking die baseball.

no more new family guy for a while, check the website. And yeah i agree baseball blows

boohoo u ppl cant watch ur cartoons

deal with it for 3 weeks.

Wouldn’t be so bad, but there is NOTHING else on in that time slot. Maybe that’s the networks way of getting people to watch baseball. Personally I’d rather go watch the grass grow in by backyard. Had a couple decent shows DVR’d last night though (Numbers and Law and Order from last week).

hockey? really? I think the fact that beating the shit out of each other seems to be encouraged in that sport puts it in the “more offensive than football” category. Isn’t that part of the reason why people go… to see the beat downs?

CHECK! punch punch whack whack … the referees half-ass attempts to break the fight up not working… punch punch punch audience cheering…
-gets broken up- then they skate around for a few seconds and start fighting again… more cheers. some blood. etc.

i never claimed it was noble, just entertaining…

ah okay… I just looked it up in the Newman Dictionary:

Main Entry: least offensive
Pronunciation: L33st OFF-ensiv
Function: newman adjective

: entertaining.


you jerk.

i meant least offensive to me. meaning maximum entertainment.

I watched a baseball game for 10 minutes, for research… in the span of 10 minutes, 30 seconds of ACTUAL baseball was played. ( and no the pitcher standing there scratching his crotch is not baseball ) It’s the only sport you can watch with the back of your head and not miss anything. It’s also the only sport besides golf and fishing you can be fat and out of shape and still play, because they will call in a “pinch runner” … wtf is that shit?!

:wtf: i dont know what you are talking about, but obviously you seem upset about something. if you have a problem you want to discuss, feel free to PM me. Granted I probably won’t read it because I could give less of a fuck, but if it’ll help ease your troubles, be my guest. the last thing the world needs is another emo crying on a message board :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk: :rolljerk:

most pro baseball players don’t even look like athletes, they look like they just left a bar,

I think it stems from the fact that I had chicken pox, and my parents made me drive all the way up to Toronto to watch the Blue Jays play some other team. Because my brother would have cried if we didn’t.

And then I made it up 5 years later by making them all go to the canadian international auto show when my brother wanted to go to the Hockey Hall of Fame. I’m sorry but “Hall of Fames” are a stupid conception to make money. They’re boring. Actually, the baseball one isn’t too bad, surprisingly. There’s a nice lake there, and it’s kind of pretty down in that region so I really didn’t complain. However, the Music Hall of Fame is terrible. That boat that sits next to it is more exciting.