Funny shirt on ebay





baseball sucks and no one will ever really care about it until they institute a salary cap.

i want that shirt

They need to do what they did with the nhl

what, stop it from being a national sport? agreed!


hahaha…good one…salary cap ftw

baseball is dead in america. blacks only try to succeed in hoops, football ,rap or selling drugs. white kids are forced into playing soccer at a young age. no one plays baseball in this country. I’m not enthused about watching a bunch of latins. baseball to me is watching a bunch of slobs that are drunks, womanizers… etc… i can not stand players that wear their baseball uniform like they wearing pajama pants. the nfl dont put up with shit when it comes to the uniform. this attention to detail is why baseball is inferrior to football. baseball players should look like baseball players, ie: pants at the knees, correct fitting pants. the fair weather fans ruined baseball with their love for the homerun. i miss the days of stolen bases, 1 run pitching duals. i’m a purist i’d guess. the biggest thing thou is the talent… baseball is so watered down its pathetic. some guys in the bigs now would be in double AA 15 years ago. rickey henderson contemplated another return to baseball this year sayin “these guys couldn;t play on a team in my day” he’s dead right, as idiotic as ricky is. contraction and salary cap FTW… raise the mound back up also.

Baseball is dead to me. Unless someone is giving out free tickets, then I’ll go to a game.

whats baseball?

Have You Seen My Baseball?

:rofl: @ SoLow