goal scorers v. prior years vs current


what the fuck is so hard with this.

I have seen… or
I saw…

NEVER SHOULD READ “I SEEN”… [SIZE=1]that makes you sound poor and retarded, and it sounds like nails on a chalkboard too

gretzky wasnt the biggest, fastest, strongest, best skater there ever was. He prolly wasnt even close to the top in most of the categories. He knew the game better then anyone else. He was always in the right places at the right times. He read plays better then anyone else which is what led to his greatness. He knew the game better then anyone else which is why i think he would fare just fine in the game today. But i agree the goalies were not as good as they are today but then again neither were the players so it all evens out when u think about it. Martin Brodeur of today is exactly the same as Ken Dryden then.

he has 1000 more points than anyone ever.

goal scorers game or not, that’s ONE THOUSAND MORE POINTS THAN ANYONE ELSE EVER.


think about that.

Miller is a good goalie, and can keep a lot of really nice shots out even when the rest of the team is slouching and hes on his A game, we will do ok.

Broduer, Hasek, Lundqvist, and countless other almost unstoppable goalies.

All of them are like fucking brick walls some days and like theres nobody in net.

Everyone has bad days and good days.

Ever see a offencemen trip over the blue line?

I do think the goalies style and tact has vastly improved since the 90’s and the other players have had to improve as well to counter it.

Its an Arms race of skill, equipment and drive.