Miller > Hasek?

Miller’s picked up the last 4 games and he was clutch last night. Could this be the year for the sabres?

OT - It would be cool if the finals had the Sabres vs the Sharks, just so I could see the Sabres live again.

Don’t really think Miller can be compared to Hasek yet, but He has been playing pretty well lately.

Go sabres :tup:

Well i can’t go that far yet but he is well on his way to becoming one of the best. As far as the team, i hope this si the year but if it isn’t most of the team will be back next year, they can only get better.

yea cant be compared yet but if he keeps it up for a few more seasons he’ll be well on his way

No way is Miller in the same league as late 90’s Hasek…

correct me if im wrong, but isnt Hasek still playing for an NHL team? or was playing for one not to long ago? was it Ottewa perhaps? i quite honestly do not follow hockey at all, but im happy to see the Sabres doing so well.

He is on Ottawa but has been injured or on IR since the olympics…

^ thanks. man, that would have been something to see him playing in the HSBC again, but on the other team. i wonder what the crowd’s reaction would have been to that?

I was at the pre season game where he played, the sabres lost but they did the shootout afterwards and the sabres actually took that. When hasek let in that last goal it was as loud as i have ever heard it and it was freakin pre-season.

They boo him to shreads… trust me.

Miller is Hasek-esqe… he’s a rookie, it would be hard to compare him yet.

I don’t have the same confidence in Miller that I had in Hasek. Thats not to say that he isn’t very good, but Hasek in his prime (even now to a degree) was almost super human in his abilities.

With time Miller will only get better. Then we are all in for a treat.

I went to the game right before the olympic break, and we taunted the shit out of him. Plus we won in the shootout, which was tits.

no way he is better than Hasek. The reason the sabres are winning is because they are actually putting the puck in the net for once.


they are completely different types of goalies.

Hasek was always out of position but his agility and his ability to read any play made him a great goalie, and made him look even better because the saves he made were so “extreme”

miller plays it a little safer. he’s got quick legs, and at 6’3" (I believe) he can do things shorter goalies can’t do (hasek is also tall, im just saying). the way miller plays the posts with his inside leg down is quite different from typical techniques, but because of his height, his upper body still takes up a big amount of net.

that game miller crapped out he wasn’t squaring up properly, and made quite a few shitty mistakes, just poor playing. i thought the shot he let in yestreday was shitty, he should have been able to close his 5 hole up for that.

miller definately kept us in it last night. I’m curious to see where this takes us.

was miller the #1 star of the game? I had to run as soon as the period ended, I had 10:30 icetime


whoa calm down Dennis…this is still a rookie we’re talking about here…

if he stays this hot for another 3 years, then we can talk Hasek comparisons, but as much as i hate Hasek, i have to admire how great he was in his prime…and by prime, i mean like his entire career

miller > hasek for 1 reson… he actually plays in the playoffs. Hasek always gets hurt…
Miller was awesome last night… but there have been nights he’s been less than stellar.

ok - before everyone thinks I’m nuts and believes that Miller > Hasek, I’m just throwing this out for discussion. Obviously Miller is going to need to spend the next 5+ years proving to everyone that he should be mentioned amongst the most elite.

given that, his performance as of late is impressive and has gotten some national exposure for the team.

Maybe the subject would be better phrased “Miller > Hasek in the playoffs?”

you can’t make that comparison because hasek hasn’t played in the playoffs much…and 9 out of 10 times he’s usually battling injury because he’s a pussy…

the only fair way to make any comparison would be if both were in top notch shape…

i like miller more no doubt, i hate the shit hasek pulls in being such a baby and wanting to make so much money even though he’s getting old…

but stats prove who is the bette goalie i think, esp. when tested with time…