goddam cars

[LEFT]i cant effin win… easter sunday (one month b4 LVD opens)= spun bearing, after 900 bones worth of maint. a few weeks prior… i threw a new motor in that i rebuilt and runs great. I break it in nice and easy and baby it for 3 weeks untill i have 800 or so miles on the bitch. Finally its the first week i can head to the track and beat down low 13’s, at least thats what i was aiming for, im at work and im heading out to get lunch and my buddy yells "launch that bitch!!"i thought to my self “fuck yeah” i hadn’t done a nice launch since the track last year, so i do… BAM POP SNAP goes the center diff… FML:banghead

who needs the center diff, make it RWD

the center diff drives the t-case… at least it did:facepalm

That took a lot of effort to read. Sorry about your car though :hug

wow i just re-read that. i feel dumb haha

literally 17 times easier to read than Cameo’s most intelligible post ever.


I agree sir. :shifty :lmao

btw its intelligent.

dont love dsm,s

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

It just doesn’t stop.

  							  One entry found. 

Main Entry:in·tel·li·gi·ble Pronunciation: \in-ˈte-lə-jə-bəl\ Function:adjective Etymology:Middle English, from Latin intelligibilis, from intelligereDate:14th century 1 : apprehensible by the intellect only 2 : capable of being understood or comprehended <jargon intelligible only to the initiated>
— in·tel·li·gi·bil·i·ty -ˌte-lə-jə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
— in·tel·li·gi·ble·ness -ˈte-lə-jə-bəl-nəs\ noun
— in·tel·li·gi·bly -blē\ adverb

Fucking :facepalm

you own a DSM—what did you expect?

trust me i was well aware goin into it. i am taking this time to install my new settup, i have new injectors, a holset hx35 and im going to get new tuning software and either get my tranny rebuilt, weld up my center diff, or find a used tranny to pop in and hopefully have it all ready for spring, i have a bit more research to do so i can get the most out of my settup.

be wary of used shit, likely to just blow again if you put that much strain on it

true that, trans parts are so damn expensive, a quaif LSD center diff is 1100ish thats without new bearings and races or shims, and while its apart new syncros and all that happy stuff

91 na to turbo parts car (GST)

Pm me :lol


Ask DJ, lol

Cummins turbo ftw, collect some dsm parts and rock it

when my trans went, i was seconds away from buying a civic, i looked at a few EG’s but everything was crusty. i decided to fix my GSX because i have already a bunch of money and parts in it. buying a civic and doing a b-series or a k20 swap would be too much money than im able to spend right now.

there are a few guys on the dsm forums that are running mid to low 11’s on them on pretty much the same settup im putting together

The gsx is a great platform

big plus 1. dsm’s can be made fast for cheap, but they break… A LOT