going to france.


If you’re considering the quality of the dude when answering this question, you should examine your sexuality. A dude is a dude. A dude does not fuck with another dude. Man law to end all man laws. The fuck. Burt Reynolds would have a fucking field day with you “guys.”


++10 Burt would be proud grasshopper

i would not UNLESS i was just finishing up(i.e. beat up the southtowns and heading for a finishing TD) and another man began taking over her kit and kaboodle while i finished off in her googly eye and then GTFO after that.

brothel type shit


More than likely.

I imagine she looked something like one of these high quality gems:


Truth. I have yet to see documentation of Joe actually hanging out with anything over a “5”.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:72,topic:28961"”]

lol…Joe, im lost…so did this broad have gills?


It was in the shallow end, oh, about, 3 feet.
I took mouth. Above water.
He took vag. Below water.
Don’t make me bust out the MSpaint diagram.


Don’t make me bust out the MSpaint diagram.


do it. in for hilarity.


do it. in for hilarity.


Not leaving work until I see MSpaint diagram

man i have a newfound respect for fuzzyfish.
that shit is hard. Or i just suck at mspaint that badly.



you better do a diagram for tomorrow’s poll.


man i have a newfound respect for fuzzyfish.
that shit is hard. Or i just suck at mspaint that badly.


OHHHHHHHHHHH OK, NOW i get it. nice work. can i change my answer? haha.

but i have an exam in 1 hour and 7 minutes and this is my time i set aside to prepare for it.



and voted


Hahaha, awesome.

i THINK i might have an idea where this topic came from.

and im standing with my YES. no regrets on the act, no gayness at all. and for the record the HIGH FIVE made the event all that much more funny.

it’s not gay unless the balls touch