Going to look at a new bike...

Im heading tonite to check out a new bike. I am hoping that bank of america won’t hold the check I have to cash so I can hopefully be coming home with it tonite as well. Got a low interest loan from the bank of dad so that I can keep it off the books for when wifey and I try again to get a house.
Now what kind of bike is it you say???..

You shall find out hopefullly tonite when I get it… HA HA HA (evil) lol


LOL i sat here waiting for like a min waiting for a picture to load. FUCKER.

lol… sorry. I’ll have pics up tonite as long as the bank doesnt give me a hard time.

I know what you’re buying :number1


it better be a 2008 crf250r from me! :ponder

shhhh… lol

well no bike yet… I took a look at it and its in beautiful condition. the guy just wasnt expecting me to have the money and actually be ready to buy it today so he didnt have the title and stuff ready, but its definatly gonna be mine. He should be able to get it by tomorrow as long as he can find it. I will be sure to post pics as soon as I get her home.

What do you mean have the “title and stuff” ready? It takes 2 seconds to sign the title and make up a bill of sale… lol

And what the fuck bike is it? Keeping it a secret is more retarded than throwing a 30r on a honda prelude and only making 333whp

yea if the seller is like me, i need a few days to come up with the title as it will be burried in an unkown location under a pile of CSBS

That seller is a complete idiot for not expecting you to have cash in hand. What other “stuff” does he need to get ready? I don’t understand what is so hard about signing a title over and taking someone’s cash.

it was basically just finding the title like singh said. He thought I had to wait b/c I told him I probably wouldnt have the money (didnt think the bank would cash it). either way, I picked it up today and as soon as photobucket will actually pick up some speed loading them, I will post up pics.

and the moment you’ve been waiting for… lol

2005 Yamaha R6 Raven (i know its really not that special, but I love it)









basically stock with the exception of the micron high mount exhaust which sound AMAZING!!! I love the sound of this bike.
Soon to come:
fender eliminator with integrated tail lights
front turn signal eliminated with integrated tail lights into headlight
Much more to come eventually… lol


yea… you never heard of that before??? lol. Sorry, meant to say integrated turn signals into headlight.

Do you mean integrated turn signals into the TAIL LIGHT?

How come the upper fairings on each side are flat? Did it get dropped?

I’m sure he did since any other way doesn’t make any sense.

The bike has matte fairings in some places stock, its part of the whole “Raven” paint scheme.

thats the factory paint…

yea, it was supposed to read turn signals integrated into the headlight and into the tail lights

hahaha nice man, u messed me up with the talight into headlight

haha :lol