gold ring with diamond (bad relationship ha)

i bought it for 200 its a basic gold ring with a diamond at the top not sure what karot but im asking for at least $100 or best offer cause it was sized.

what size foool!

clean your room.

it was sized to i believe 6.5

ha i was planin on it

Move your hand to about where your leg is so you can actually see the ring :lol:

ha i tried so many times to get a good pic this is the best i could do ill try again. the ring is in imaculate condition

Macro button FTW

glws…glwgf :stuck_out_tongue:


it was sized to i believe 6.5


Uuuumm, I think he meant what size is the rock.:biglaugh:

Pawn shops usually give you about half of what its worth, so if its worth 200 youd easily get 100.

My brother bought his gf a 800 dollar ring and then they were fighting so he scrapped it for 400 at a pawn shop, and then they got back together and she was like so wheres my bday gift and he laughed his ass off… shitty ah well.

theres no way were getting back together. i dont fel like dealing with pawn shops, im asking for 100 its a great ring.i used it as a promise ring. gfs just love random gifts:wiggle:

its probably like 1/10 karat, thats why she left you…jk.

If its a real diamond, you should be able to get your money back or exchange it for any other diamond ring, necklace, earings, etc.
From what i was told, diamonds dont loose much of their value.

Of course all this depends on where you bought it.

BTW, good luck with sale

bump down to 75

size of the diamond goes in carots and clarity example .749 VS clarity D

that translates to a 3/4 carot very high quality stone and the color is very near perfect

not pissin on ur post though. just passin info off. nice ring though

i know that. its 14 carot gold. im not sure about the diamond tho but the diamond is in great condition knows cracks or burs.

How did you ever get that back from her? LoL…

she threw it at my when i said it was over… im not complaning… 75 dollars and its all yours… i was goin to reuse it but thats just rude ha

Damn, I cant think of any holidays coming up where I could justify giving her that.