Good drivers only crash 3 Cars in 2 years

Thats right, but i guess there are exceptions

So far 3 240’s and a QX4. All in less than 2-3 years

Follow the links to the others.

And this does deserve a repost on here cuz i still can’t stop laughing

poor guy

Unbelievable. Just wow.

bahahaha. lmfao.

what a fucking pwn.


That freaks me out…Chances of getting smoked by some retard seems pretty likely with all the crap you see.

Just tonight I had to wait around for an hour because some dork in a mustang decided to punch it and go about 100km into the back of some poor ladys truck in a 60 zone.

Although its funny, the lady was driving a toyota tacoma and you wouldn’t have been able to tell it was in an accident. The mustang however…is garbage now.

Shitty luck, your not going to be able to pin any of that on her either. Well, the last time I did something like that it costed me 2 grand, most of that was a ticket. But don’t worry about it too much, part the car for what its worth and move on. Fuck what everyone says, most of the older guys have been there, and all the young punk “good” drivers are on their way there. Based on where that car sits on your motor all I can say is slow down next time.

Plain and simple, that kid needs to get the hell off the roads.

I don’t care if he thinks it wasn’t his fault or any other excuse he throws out…he’s going to kill someone.

You can’t be a good driver, and be involved in those types of crashes…

…let alone four of them…in two to three years no less!

Wait a sec? Is this seriously car number 4? You need to get some lessons or seriously SLOW DOWN!!



3 240’s

and the sil40?

This is the stupid kid I saw on Gateway Blvd and I pulled up beside him and he tore off. So I raced of after him. He had no consideration for his car. He was just bagging it off pot holes. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t try to keep up to him… I don’t feel sorry for him at all…

Yea i have buddies who saw the blue 240 crash and they could not believe that he turned left infront of that car.

I learned the hardway after one accident, but FOUR? Come on have some common scene

his parents must be loaded, and himself…slow in the brain. no wonder i can’t find a 240, there all being written off.

lol what a moron.
-and a bad lier.

lol at least maybe now this car won’t change owner’s so often, wonder how much he’ll try to sell it for now? :roll:

i am scared,and even i have gotten into some good wrecks but none like that,and none that often.

lol, 15kmph can get a car over your hood and into your windshield, impressive. :partyman:

drugs will make ppl do stupid things

i swear i`ve seen him on tv here.