Good fishing spots?

I’ve done well fishing from a boat along the rocky shore by The Pier. I know I’ve seen people fishing from shore there.

Always people fishing from the Ferry St launch, but it’s mostly ghetto people catching carp to eat. I only used that launch once and spent most of the evening worried my truck/trailer wouldn’t be there when I returned.

You can fish from shore behind Smith Boys marine (the Niagara River side), good bass fishing there, as well as straight across the river behind the Holiday Inn, right where the river curves.

Depending on how bad the floating moss is you can have some luck at Beaver Island State Park. Again, look for the rocky shore with a decent drop off. Here’s a hint… near the frisby golf.

And there is always the canal. Good large mouth/pike fishing if you know the spots, which I don’t. I could never deal with the no wake zone speed limit for more than about 1/2 a mile. :slight_smile: