Good freind died last night...................

I’m sorry about your friend. I know how you feel too well. It’s almost been a year since a very close friend of mine died the same way. He was clean for awhile but we still hung out with the H heads from time to time. He shot up his “normal” amount from when he was bangin everyday after almost 3 months clean. He died in his Dad’s arms. I’m at least thankful I got to see him earlier that day when he was clean and in good spirits. He was a great guy and would do anything for his friends. But opiates will control you. Another close friend from the same group of friends had a near death experience doin the same shit. He was technically dead when they found him and the drug they give you to reverse opiate effects saved him. He is still doing that shit!! Also my old room mate is hooked. His ass would probably be dead if I didn’t kick him out and leave him with no place to go but rehab. He still does that shit too. It’s a disease that they let themselves catch and it’s a shame.

R.I.P. Shawn

fuck that druggie… he wasn’t worth shit anyway. look what he is putting his family and friends through just so he could feel good on his high. he was destined for this ending, it was just a matter of time. there is no reason for you to get down for feel bad for this kid. he brought all upon himself


agreed, but its still very sad. :hs:

sad for who? sad for the kid? he had a family that i am sure cared, he had friends that cared. he had a friend like devon that tried to help him and warn him. but instead no, this kid choose to take the easy way in life. anyone can just go and be a druggie, its easy to fail in life but to succeed its actually a challenge. it seems that he wasn’t up for the challenge

yeah, I knew a kid back in K-town that was trying to kick the habit and it was too much for him and he went upstairs and shot himself in the head with a rifle while his grandmother was downstairs. YOu just have to wonder whats going through peoples heads when they maek these decisions. As much as everyone makes me out to be a druggie, ive never touched heroin. Never even seen it to be quite honest. Cant say that i want to either. Anything that can make people do shit like that is a horrible thing. That is the shit the cops need to be worried about, instead of cracking down on innocous stoners.

Heh, sorry for the loss.

My Cousin was into that shit a while back… he got cleaned up and ive been threatening his life ever since. So has the rest of my family on my dads side. He knows he fucked up. Some people just cant be reached. It always sucks.

devin we all feel for your loss, but we all write our own books of life, thats why spontanous decisions like getting high or drunk aren’t always the right ones.

I see your from the south hills, he didn’t happen to be from Bethel did he?

I know 3 or 4 kids that have overdosed on Heroin that are from or lived in Bethel Park… I dont knwo what it is about over there, but it seems like its someone else every week… Sorry for your loss.

sorry to hear about your friend