Good Headphones and/or Headset

So I’ve gotten to that point where im sick of listening to my computer using cheap 10 dollar headphones. If you have anything of good quality and would be willing to ship (or meet, I’m only in rochester).

As I play far to many games for my good I would also be interested in a decent headset.

Would like to keep it between 50-100, but can always make exceptions

skullcandy …

+1 i got a pair for like 60 i think
they sound better then some high end bose headphones imo

I actually have right now skullcandy skullcrushers but not sure if they are worth the 75 bucks I paid and am thinking of brining them back. The bass is redic though

skull crushers have subwoofers in them
totally un needed and the sound quality isnt that good
the regular head phones sound great :tup:

skull candy “hesh”

great sound, i use them all winter long snowboarding, love them. great lows, mids, highs for the price. much better than going with some $300 bose head phones that probably sound similar. IMO

these guys?

yep. those are the ones i have. i got them at ecc believe it or not, and they were cheaper there then through skullcandy themselves. i broke them on the adjustable part, but it still held by one thread and was able to be pushed back in and still had the same sound in both ears. lol this happened because of skipping my head off the ground snowboarding. so if your not doing anything like that, they should never break.

lol fantastic.

I don’t plan to snowboard with them but Its nice to know I have it as an option

yeah, they are going to be fine for what you probably need, and for the price, they cant be beaten. i definitely like them more than the sony’s i paid the same price for.

i have a pair of shure headphones i bought from best buy but never use
id take like a $100 for them shipped let me know, they sound awesome and really do block any outside noise

I tried a pari of “beats by dr. dre” at stereo and damn they are not only ridiculously nice, but also ridiculously expensive.

/useless info.

i have a set of the GI
which i also use for snowboarding
and like stated above with the hesh they hit all the highs lows and mids very well

$100 for ear buds is ridiculous, i mean i see the price on the site, but personally i would never buy ear buds for more than 30$ imo