Good local masseuse?


Yeah i let her sit on it last night shit was greatttttt

what’d you post a link for that has no pics?!?!?!?!

lol :smiley:

Because I don’t want someone with, say, bad teeth to book a neck massage with her, hit her with the green mist from bewteen his dessicated molars and lay her out. There’s plenty of broads who work there, most of them, ah…let’s just say the vast majority of them wouldn’t give you a boner if you were doing viagara bombs with cialis chasers.

They are really good though, especially when a teacher comes in to do a tandem…I’m headed down this afternoon.

lol man i was just fuckin around. but i could seriously go for a good massage

Ugh I need to go see one myself, my back is all messed up from my car accident in 07

Shift massage trip?

Scratch that, it could turn ugly. :rofl

Might have to follow up on the lead RBakerian gave me.

What do they charge?

i’m down for that.