Broken Backs Suck, Good Massage Places in Buffalo?

So I just returned from Iraq to Germany and im headin back to Buffalo in Dec.Yes broken backs suck, getting blown up sucks. Does anyone know of a good massafe parlor located in the local area that I could hit up when I return?

i would consult your doctor before you do go to a masseuse. You might to more harm than good.

true i wouldnt want anyone touching my back unless they have a name tag that starts with “doctor”.


she’s good. but def check w/ your doctor.

What KIND of massage? lol

I think in this case, a chiropractor is more fitting for your needs.

they should have a place called Brokeback Massage :gay3:

haha, I lol’d

but yeah, x3 on the doctor thing. good luck man


And yea, go to your doctor first. I broke my back when i was in high school. They specifically told me not to go to any massage or chiropractor for at least 2 years to make sure they didnt screw anything up.

yea, i will +1 for jan

Isn’t there a place over by sheridan/harlem that will rub your weiner?

Good to see youre still alive man!!! Hope that back gets better!