My back is all sorts of fucked up… Mainly my lower back.
Most of the local chiropracters in the area that I have been to in the past dont seem to do much, or know what they are doing… The one great one I know specializes in upper back/neck issues, which mine are not.
My fiance & her mother were hit by a Drunk Driver ~11 years ago, they were referred (at the time) by a bunch of doctors & specialists to Munroe. I’ve gone for my chronic back problems & the occasional ‘thrown-out back’.
Almost always walk out of there feeling at least 30% better instantly.
i am sure you dont want to hear this, and prolly not from me. but 95% of all lower back pain is from weak core muscles. try doing some light stretching, isometric excercises, and maybe a long walk for a few weeks and i garuntee it will go away.
and then after a few weeks try running an doing situps. but dont do situps now, to do them properly you have to have the corresponding back muscles, and you could injure yourself trying to do a situp otherwise.
thats just my 2 cents, i personally think chiropractors are over-rated.
I’m sorry, I was assuming that he was already aware of these things. If not, then yes physical therapy is the best place to start. Most people dont actually need a chiropractic adjustment on a regular basis, but for some people who end up with alot of metal or scar tissue all along the skelital structure, chiropractic visits can be a huge aid.
I dont have weak core structure, and I just had my check up yesterday.
Tom Sanio is a guy who helped my brother when he broke his back. (and didnt know) i dunno his current location or number. but he is a awesome guy, who used to travel to the national MX races. and straiten the pros out when they F-ed things up.
but like Joe said. do a little mid section exersize/stretching you Fat-ass-drunk!
working in front of comuters all day isn’t the best thing for anyone. health wise.
but its sure more fun than swinging a hammer or pushing a shovel when its 38 degrees. out.
ok back on topic. i cant believe you actually went to that krav. props to you.
i read one of howard sterns books and he complained of chronic back pain for years. at some points it was excruciating for him to be sitting, laying, whatever. he went to a bunch of doctors and they all said this or that would help him and over the years, nothing did. finally he went to a guy who said it was all in his head. that stress and worries sub-conciously (iknow i butchered that spelling) caused him to find a pain to agonize about. it made stress tangible i guess. long story short he just got it out of his head that he was in pain, relaxed, and excercised…voila.
so i guess you should just email him and ask what to do. i am sure he will reply
audios is right (in most cases) back pain is from a weak core, or bad posture (usually caused by a weak core). core training and stretching will help.
tight muscles will also pull the spine out of place though, and this is where a sports massage and an alinment come in.
certain injuries can be helped with chiropractic visits as well.
In which case you may need to see a physical therapist, not a chiropracter. I can recommend one on Main St. near Minnesota that my doctor recommended when I had my car accident. I’ll have to check at home for the name, phone number, and address.