Good,LONGGGGG read about all the radioactive/nuclear waste in Niagara county.

Easily a couple of hrs read-time,but tells some disturbing stories.Read over some of it and posted it up in case anyoneone was bored at work or interested in this stuff.
Sorry about that guys.Talks about the desk at the end


What about in Erie county? Aren’t there still 4 hot sites from the Manhattan Project?

link? :stuck_out_tongue:

What about in Erie county? Aren’t there still 4 hot sites from the Manhattan Project?
they dumped it here? didn’t they develope the nukes in new mexico?

no, they did not. was composed and manufactured from factories all over the country, called the Manhatten Project,look it up

whats so long about it? I was done with your post in 10 secs

Here’s a link to tide you over while Mister Man sobers up:

There are 5 hot sites in Tonawanda. Linde (now Praxair) did a lot of the manufacturing of glowing green stuff. :tup:

heh… learn something new everyday. I was always under the impression that everything was done on site (for obvious reasons I suppose)

remember when Tom Brokaw had an anthrax letter in his desk a few years ago? yeah, his desk is up by niagara falls. I guess there is somewhere you can access what exactly is dumped there. This list is supposed to have been made available to the residents.

Ransomville… those poor citizens. :frowning:

I work on the Linde site, we have been shipping out contaminated material to regulated out of state diposal facilities for more than 5 years now.

Sorry about that guys.Talks about the desk at the end


Are you a Praxair employee?

Nope I work for Shaw Environmental

Maybe this explains WNY’s alarming cancer rate.

my great uncle worked as a “disposal supervisor” for the steel plant that used to be along seneca street back before there were any regulations. I think they built a greenhouse on the site now. When they were clearing the site for the greenhouse, they re-hired him back for a few months after being retired for 15+yrs. to try and find where they had buried waste and he said most of the barrells that they could find were almost always broken open or rusted apart and whatever was in them had leaked out and was gone, right into the creek there.

edit: the greenhouse site is on so.park not seneca st.
x marks the spot

Wow. That’s crazy~

very intresting read… I knew about love canal, but not all that other stuff. Kind of scary actually. Makes ya wonder if it’s not just our local food joints and the connection with heart disease, not to mention the other weaths of diseases that seem to be more concentrated in this area (MS, Lupus, ect)

And possibly all the chemical plants that are, or were, here. Or those stupid, dirty coal power plants.

I thought it was just limited to Love Canal - that’s absolutely FRIGHTENING … does anyone have more current info related to this?